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Marina Militare Indiana


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A proposito del primo sottomarino nucleare indiano, progetto Advanced Technology Vessel (ATV) (vedasi, in ultimo, mio post n° 62), eccovi altre informazioni.



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Ancora un aggiornamento sul primo sottomarino nucleare costruito in India: si chiamerà "Arihant", mentre il nome "Chakra" che, come indicato al post n° 62 sembrava dovesse essere assegnato a questo sottomarino, sarà dato al "Nerpa" affittato dalla Russia.



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L'INS "Arihant" sarà varato il prossimo 26 luglio.

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Come già accennato al post n° 59, comunicato ufficialmente il ritardo, nella consegna degli "Scorpène" indiani.



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Altri articoli sul sottomarino nucleare INS "Arihant": sulle prospettive della sua operatività e sulle sue caratteristiche.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Comunque, ci vorrà ancora del tempo, parecchio tempo, prima che l'INS "Arihant" possa divenire operativo.



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  • 3 weeks later...

E' la prima volta che intervengo su questo forum e mi ha colpito la notevole preparazione di diversi forumisti, nonchè l'assenza di polemiche di tipo politico. Ritengo infatti che un forum di questo genere sia davvero credibile nel momento in cui si occupa di questioni tecnologiche e storiche piuttosto che divenire palestra di schieramenti diversi... Sotto questo aspetto apprezzo molto forum di argomento militare come "Forum Keypublishing" e "China Defence Today", abbastanza distanti dal tipo di contaminazione di cui parlavo....


Per quanto sia stato finora almeno lettore attento mi sono sfuggite forse le notizie riguardanti l'ordine di una seconda nave da rifornimento di Fincantieri all'India, la conferma della vendita agli Emirati di una corvetta (mosaic?) e la indiscrezione sui sei C-27J che verranno probabilmente costruiti per Taiwan su ordinativo degli USA. Peraltro, da alcuni giorni si susseguono notizie e vengono pubblicate foto dei lavori sulla ex Varijag a Dalian in Cina, sulla quale è stata demolita in due giorni gran parte dell'isola.

Avete notizie più precise?

Di nuovo cordiali saluti

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L'india ha appena pagato un'altra tranche di 102 milioni di $ alla russia (oltre ai 680 già spesi) per la trasformazione della portaerei KIEV...i lavori dureranno altri 14-18 mesi, sempre che i sistemi della nave funzionino....ma dico una marina che ha ambizioni come quella indiana non poteva rivolgersi per esempio alla francia per la realizzazione di portaerei con catapulta?

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L'india ha appena pagato un'altra tranche di 102 milioni di $ alla russia (oltre ai 680 già spesi) per la trasformazione della portaerei KIEV...i lavori dureranno altri 14-18 mesi, sempre che i sistemi della nave funzionino....ma dico una marina che ha ambizioni come quella indiana non poteva rivolgersi per esempio alla francia per la realizzazione di portaerei con catapulta?



Non è la Kiev, è la Gorshkov ;)

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  • 6 months later...

"L’India ha siglato con la Russia un contratto per l’acquisto di 29 MiG-29K. Parlando dell’accordo Mikhail Pogosyan, CEO di Sukhoi, ha precisato che il valore della fornitura è stimato attorno ad 1,5 miliardi di dollari e che l’inizio della consegna è previsto per il 2012."


Fonte: Dedalonews

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  • 2 years later...

India's SSBN shows itself


Could it be? It is not entirely clear, but a new satellite image might be showing part of India’s first nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine, the Arihant.

The image, taken by GeoEye’s satellite on March 18, 2012, and made available on Google Earth, shows what appears to be the conning tower (or sail) of a submarine in a gap of covers intended to conceal it deep inside the Visakhapatnam (Vizag) Naval Base on the Indian east coast.

The image appears to show a gangway leading from the pier with service buildings and a large crane to the submarine hull just behind the conning tower. The outlines of what appear to be two horizontal diving planes extending from either side of the conning tower can also be seen on the grainy image.

The Arihant was launched in 2009 from the shipyard on the other side of the harbor and moved under an initial cover. An image released by the Indian government in 2010 appears to show the submarine inside the initial cover.





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  • 3 weeks later...

MiG-29K carrier trials for India completed


RAC MiG has completed sea trials of its MiG-29K/KUB combat aircraft involving the Indian navy's future aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, with deliveries under New Delhi's 2010 contract on track to start late this year.


"All tests on the ship have been completed successfully, and the customer signed the respective protocol. We no longer need a carrier [for trials]," says RAC MiG general director Sergei Korotkov. The Indian navy has already received 16 K-model fighters and KUB-variant trainers from a previous order, and "these aircraft are being successfully operated", he adds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Russia to deliver 3rd frigate to India navy


The second of three stealth frigates that Russia builds for India at the Yantar Shipyard in Russia’s Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad will be handed over to the Indian Navy on Friday.

Sergei Mikhailov, a spokesman for the Yantar Shipyard, the solemn ceremony of delivering the warship will be held in Kaliningrad and be attended by high-ranking military officers both from Russia and India.

Russia and India signed a $1.6 billion contract on construction of three modified Krivak III class (also known as Talwar class) guided missile frigates for India in 2006. The first frigate, INS Teg, joined the Indian Navy on April 27.

The last in the series of three frigates, The Trikand, currently undergoes dock trials and after it completes sea trials in the Baltic Sea will join the Indian Navy in the summer of 2013.

The new frigates are each armed with eight BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles.

They are also equipped with a 100-mm gun, a Shtil surface-to-air missile system, two Kashtan air-defense gun/missile systems, two twin 533-mm torpedo launchers, and an antisubmarine warfare (ASW) helicopter.

Russia previously built three Talwar class frigates for India – INS Talwar (Sword), INS Trishul (Trident), and INS Tabar (Axe).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Desi warship delay irks Antony



Slamming the lackadaisical attitude of various stakeholders involved in building country’s first Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC), Defence Minister A K Antony on Tuesday said that responsibilities would be fixed in case of further slippage in the project.


Concerned over frequent delays in the project, Antony held a high-level review meeting here and asked the stakeholders to work for an early delivery of the warship. “Everybody has to be accountable for the warship which is a national project. We will fix responsibilities in case of further slippages. We cannot go on hearing excuses,” Antony said.


India is only the sixth nation in the world to design and build such a carrier.


The carrier, being built by Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), was originally scheduled to be inducted into the Navy by 2014-15. Now the proposed induction has been decided for 2018 and the cost of the project has also gone up. During the review meeting, the Defence Minister was also informed that some complex problems related to equipment supply for the 40,000-tonnes aircraft carrier had been sorted out. Antony also asked the stakeholders including Navy to work together on the project and try to compress the delivery schedule of the warship. Antony said an Empowered Committee had been formed under the Defence Secretary to constantly monitor the progress of the IAC. He also asked the CSL to give a firm date at the earliest on the induction of the carrier into the Navy. Sources in the Ministry of Defence said they would move a proposal to the Finance Ministry and the Cabinet Committee on Security for improving the flow of funds for the project which was launched in 2009.


The CSL, after working for almost two years, had a successful technical launch of the ship in December last year. Based on a telescopic design -- wherein design and construction are carried out concurrently-- the IAC project poses many challenges and Antony, in August 2011, had admitted the complexities involved in the project.


The CSL is getting help in propulsion system integration from an Italian firm. The CSL is also procuring the equipments from a Russian firm for aviation facilities complex for the IAC.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Delivery Schedule of INS Vikramaditya


As informed by the Russian side the delivery of the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya (Gorshkov), after completion of repairs and sea trials, would be made in the last quarter of 2013.


The aircraft carrier was subjected to extensive trials for the first time for 108 days from 8th June 2012 to 23rd September 2012, with a part of the Indian crew on board, undergoing training during the sea trials.


While a substantial scope of ship's equipment and aviation trials were completed during this period, the main propulsion plant trials to full power could not be completed due to defects encountered on boiler section. Rectification of the defect is likely to take six months.


Liquidated Damages (LD) clause for delays in delivery is incorporated in the contract. As per contract, LD is to be ascertained and levied within six months of ship's delivery.


The Russian side has been requested to take up necessary measures to ensure delivery of ship in the last quarter of 2013.


This information was given by Defence Minister Shri AK Antony in a written reply to Dr. Chandan Mitra in Rajya Sabha today.

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Navy Gets First of 8 P-8I Maritime Surveillance Aircraft from Boeing


The Navy on Wednesday received the first of the eight P-8I maritime surveillance aircraft it is to get from Boeing.

India had signed a deal worth over $2.1 billion with the American firm in January 2009 for procuring the long-range surveillance aircraft, which are equipped with anti-submarine weaponry.

The first plane was handed over to Indian personnel by the company in Seattle. It will be used for training the crew there, Navy officials said here. This aircraft, along with two more will arrive in India in May 2013.

P-8I is a derivative of Boeing 737-800 long-range maritime reconnaissance aircraft and anti-submarine warfare aircraft. It is expected to replace the Navy’s Russian Tupolev Tu-142M maritime surveillance turboprop. The plane is an Indian variant of the P-8A Poseidon that Boeing is developing for the U.S. Navy. India requires aircraft able to patrol the vast stretches of the Indian Ocean.

The Navy’s contract with Boeing included an option for four additional aircraft along with warfare, intelligence and surveillance systems, as well as training and maintenance support.

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  • 6 months later...

Sarà .... ma non ci credo ....


India’s First Indigenous Aircraft Carrier Near Completion ....

By Jay Menon
Source: Aviation Week & Space Technology
July 01, 2013

India, looking to boost its naval presence in the Indian Ocean, is one step closer to putting its first indigenous aircraft carrier (IAC) into the water—as soon as August.

The first sea trials are likely to follow 10 months later, says a senior government official. Still, the IAC, named INS Vikrant after India's first carrier, will not see deployment for another five years.

The carrier is being constructed at the Cochin shipyard and the vessel “will be floated out on Aug. 12 and taken to the repair dock to carry out remaining work,” says Commo. K. Subramaniam, chairman and managing director of Cochin Shipyard Ltd. Hull work will be completed by June 2014, he adds.

The carrier is expected to be handed over to the navy for induction by January 2018.

The 45,000-ton IAC is estimated to cost $5 billion.

Cochin shipyard personnel have been working with the navy on the vessel for more than six years. The contract for the construction of the aircraft carrier was signed in 2007, and the keel was laid in February 2009, Subramaniam says.

The IAC was originally slated to enter service in 2014. Through last year, Indian officials insisted it could be commissioned in 2017. But a number of factors led to construction delays, including lack of adequate and appropriate steel from Russia and technical issues in the gearbox and other systems, a defense ministry official says.

India's other aircraft carrier, the 45,000-ton, 284-meter-long (932-ft.) INS Vikramaditya, formerly the Russian Kiev-class Admiral Gorshkov, is undergoing trials and will soon join the current sole carrier, the INS Virat.

Increasing India's naval force in the Indian Ocean is crucial, especially to combat sea piracy, says Ajay Lele, a defense pundit at the New Delhi-based Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses.




Credit: Indian Defense Ministry



Link .... http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/AW_07_01_2013_p26-591726.xml(con


A onor del vero .... la nave in acqua c'è già .... ed anche da parecchi mesi .... come dimostra questa immagine satellitare tratta da "Google Earth" e risalente, se la data riportata in basso a destra è esatta, all' 11 Febbraio di quest'anno.

L'affermazione che essa possa essere in grado di iniziare le prove in mare nel giro, diciamo, di un anno e con le sembianze che appaiono nell'immagine ufficiale rilasciata dal Ministero della Difesa indiano .... mi lascia francamente perplesso ....



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  • 1 month later...

Intanto .... in Russia ....




The ongoing sea trials mainly include testing of Electronic Warfare Systems, Aircraft Maintenance Equipment on board and Gauging of Electric Fields.

Most important of all, the trials of Main Propulsion Plant, which include the speed and maneuverability trials of the ship are being conducted in the White Sea.

As scheduled, “Vikramaditya” will proceed to the Barents Sea in early August, where trials of aircraft maintenance equipment featuring MiG-29K fighter planes will be conducted.


Fonte .... http://www.sevmash.ru/eng/news/445-flying-by-vikramaditya



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Non crederci, ma è così


India to launch 1st indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vikrant



Pare che verrà varata domani


Ti rimando a quanto avevo scritto a margine di quell'immagine satellitare che avevo postato il 3 Luglio scorso ....


A onor del vero .... la nave in acqua c'è già .... ed anche da parecchi mesi .... come dimostra questa immagine satellitare tratta da "Google Earth" e risalente, se la data riportata in basso a destra è esatta, all' 11 Febbraio di quest'anno.

L'affermazione che essa possa essere in grado di iniziare le prove in mare nel giro, diciamo, di un anno e con le sembianze che appaiono nell'immagine ufficiale rilasciata dal Ministero della Difesa indiano .... mi lascia francamente perplesso ....


E' evidente che, avendo preso per buona quella data, mi era sembrato allora molto difficile che la nave avrebbe potuto raggiungere, nel giro di così pochi mesi (ora sarebbero sei), le condizioni di completamento in cui appare nell'articolo da te postato.

C'è da pensare dunque che le date che figurano su "Google Earth" siano da prendere con parecchio beneficio d'inventario.

A meno che le solerti maestranze dei cantieri navali di Cochin non lavorino 48 ore su 24 ....


Se poi si legge la seguente analisi ....




.... non si può che arrivare alla straordinaria conclusione che le maestranze indiane non sono soltanto solerti .... sono addirittura stakanoviste .... :woot:

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Secondo AINonline.com. ....


Approximately 83 percent of the fabrication work and 75 percent of construction work on the new carrier will be completed when the ship goes into water, said Vice Admiral R.K. Dhowan, vice chief of the Indian Navy.

The rest, including the flight deck, will be completed once the ship is launched, he added.


Link .... http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ain-defense-perspective/2013-08-09/india-launches-indigenous-aircraft-carrier




Orgoglio .... ma anche dubbi .... http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2013-08-09/india/41236516_1_aircraft-carrier-air-defence-ship-naval-capabilities


Inoltre .... e qui le cose sembrano essere dette in maniera più chiara ....


While India claims that its first home-built carrier, the Vikrant, will be fully operational by 2018, Indian Navy sources say that date is closer to 2020 since the ship is only about 30 percent complete.


Fonte .... http://www.defensenews.com/article/20130808/DEFREG03/308080007/India-s-First-Indigenous-Carrier-Faces-Delays-Cost-Growth


In sostanza .... e non per fare della facile ironia .... quello che viene "varato" non è altro che un grosso barattolo vuoto ....



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Alla fine i dubbi che avevo in precedenza espresso .... si sono rivelati, a quanto pare, fondati ....

Questa mattina, guardando alcuni filmati apparsi su YouTube, avevo avuto la netta sensazione che il ponte di volo dell'unità non fosse stato del tutto completato.

Ora le foto del varo ora lo dimostrano ....




Fonte .... http://www.livefistdefence.com/2013/08/photos-1st-indian-aircraft-carrier.html?spref=tw


E' vero .... il varo lo hanno effettuato proprio nella data che avevano indicato .... probabilmente avevano una certa fretta o volevano dimostrare qualcosa ....ma, alla fine, che cosa hanno varato?


Quello che è stato messo in acqua è soltanto una sorta di zatterone galleggiante con un ponte di volo realizzato per due terzi e tuttora sprovvisto di isola ....


Certo .... con i moduli prefabbricati potranno anche far presto a completare la parte esteriore dell'opera .... ma il bello verrà poi nelle successive fasi dell'allestimento e dell'integrazione dei molteplici sistemi imbarcati.


Se ne riparlerà dunque fra qualche anno .... ma quanti (.... dati i precedenti)?

Edited by TT-1 Pinto
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Cosa nota .... e la prua venne realizzata al Muggiano .... ove venne poi saldata al resto dell'unità .... ma il problema italiano è dovuto al fatto che a Riva Trigoso non è possibile realizzare navi militari di tali dimensioni per questioni di spazio.

Gli Indiani, invece, trovatisi alle prese con i ritardi incontrati nella realizzazione della Vikrant .... per non parlare poi dell'odissea (tecnico-finanziaria) della dell'ex-russa Vikramaditya .... hanno probabilmente voluto dare in pasto qualcosa alla loro opinione pubblica .... cosa d'altronde rilevabile nell'enfasi data al fatto dai loro media ....

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