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Marina Russa - Discussione Ufficiale


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tu te ne stai tranquillo a pancia all'aria a goderti il sole in una bella spiaggia .... ed ecco che ti piomba addosso il mostro marino ....




FORGET sharks, sunburn and surf rage.

Russian beachgoers have much more serious things to worry about than all that.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Over 80 Russian Warships on Sea Duty Across World – Commander


Beh, io direi che forse sarebbe meglio cambiare il titolo di questa discussione iniziata nel 2008 in "Marina Russa", o "Lo stato della marina russa", senza il disastroso.

Ovvio possiamo continuare a criticare questo servizio, come qualsiasi altro, ma mi sembra sia cambiato qualcosa in 5 anni.



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Over 80 Russian Warships on Sea Duty Across World – Commander


Beh, io direi che forse sarebbe meglio cambiare il titolo di questa discussione iniziata nel 2008 in "Marina Russa", o "Lo stato della marina russa", senza il disastroso.

Ovvio possiamo continuare a criticare questo servizio, come qualsiasi altro, ma mi sembra sia cambiato qualcosa in 5 anni.



Sono d'accordo, sarebbe anche un segno di rispetto per la seconda marina mondiale

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Attenzione, però, perchè il titolo è fuorviante.....


In realtà nel testo si parla di '80 navi in mare o pronte all'impiego'.


E se consideriamo che nelle Task Forces citate (due) ci sono 3 navi da guerra e 4 appoggio, di cui 2 rimorchiatori, il quadro è meno esaltante: 80 navi compreso i rimorchiatori pronte a muovere le ha forse anche la MMI....

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  • 1 month later...

Mentre venivano alla luce i problemi inerenti il refit della portaerei Admiral Kuznetsov ....


Future Is Cloudy for Russian Carrier Aviation ....


The future of the Russian navy aircraft carrier component is in doubt after the Russian defense ministry decided to have its nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser, the Admiral Nakhimov, rather than its aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov, repaired and refitted at Sevmash, the nation’s largest dockyard.


Fonte .... http://www.ainonline.com/aviation-news/ain-defense-perspective/2013-10-18/future-cloudy-russian-carrier-aviation


.... veniva varata a Saint-Nazaire la Vladivostok .... prima unità russa derivata dalle Mistral francesi ....


DCNS launch Vladivostok, Russian Navy's first Mistral class LHD ....


Vladivostok, the first of two BPC-type vessels (LHD - Landing Helicopter Dock) on order from DCNS for the Russian Federation was floated out of its building dock at STX France's Saint-Nazaire shipyard on 15 October.

The event was attended by senior officials representing the French and Russian navies and shipbuilding industries.

The programme has proceeded as planned since the contract came into force in late 2011, with the vessels


Fonte .... http://www.navyrecognition.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1304

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  • 3 weeks later...

A proposito dei futuri sviluppi della flotta subacquea russa ....


Russia’s Future Subs Could Be Smaller, Quieter, Cheaper—And Totally Unsuitable .... Non-nuclear undersea boats would be incompatible with Arctic ops

In coming decades, the Russian navy could replace its nuclear-powered submarines with battery-powered models that are smaller, harder to detect and cheaper to build.
But the non-nuclear approach to future subs is risky, particularly for under-ice Arctic operations.
It’s not for no reason that the world’s leading undersea power, the United States, is committed to an all-nuke sub fleet.


Fonte .... https://medium.com/war-is-boring/782ec5c4e847

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

SSV-33 Ural ..... the spy ship that never was .... f4lclu.jpg


Russia’s Giant Secret Spy Ship Killed Rats, Ruined Careers and Almost Got Blown Up TWICE .... ‘Ural’ was a high-tech disaster waiting to happen ....


In June 1981, the Soviet Union began building a huge, nuclear-powered reconnaissance ship specifically designed to sail thousands of miles to the U.S. missile test site at the remote Kwajalein Atoll in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

There, the vessel would sit for months, hoovering up electronic data in order to determine what America’s most secretive weapons could do.

But the spy ship Ural, completed in May 1983, sailed only once—from the Baltic shipyard where she was built to her home port of Vladivostok—and never went anywhere near Kwajalein.

Hobbled by faulty hardware, cursed with bad luck and starved of funds for repairs, today Ural is slowly being dismantled.


Fonte .... https://medium.com/war-is-boring/69282ecbca00


"A Russian spy ship turned ghost ship" .... http://themaritimeblog.com/a-russian-spy-ship-turned-ghost-ship/



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  • 3 weeks later...

Quello strano "pesce" di Balaklava ....




The current turmoil in Crimea and television news reports from Sevastopol’s Balaklava Harbor remind me of a trip I made to that part of the world in the dying days of the Soviet Union 23 years ago.


Fonte .... "The Strange Tale of Russia’s Secret Balaklava Beluga Submarine" .... https://medium.com/war-is-boring/be15b2bd76d6


Anche qui (in russo .... con molte illustrazioni) .... http://militaryrussia.ru/blog/topic-212.html




Продольный разрез ПЛБСН (л) пр. 1710:


1 – основная антенна ГАК «Рубикон-М»;

2 – носовой отсек;

3 – помещение научно-исследовательской аппаратуры;

4 – носовая группа АБ;

5 – носовая дифферентная цистерна;

6 – ЦГБ; 7 – носовойлюк;

8 – второй отсек;

9 – аварийный буй;

10 – жилые помещения;

11 – кормовая группа АБ;

12 – баллоны системы ВВД;

13 – ходовой мостик;

14 – рубочный люк;

15 – перископ ПЗНА-8;

16 – ПМУ антенны РАС «Каскад»;

17 – ПМУ антенны связи;

18 – третий отсек;

19 – центральный пост и выгородка научно-исследовательской аппаратуры;

20 – полимерная выгородка;

21 – выгородка механизмов общесудовых систем и системы подачи полимера;

22 – четвертый отсек;

23 – ГГЭД;

24 – выгородка электрооборудования;

25 – редуктор;

26 – пятый (кормой) отсек;

27 – кормовая дифферентная цистерна;

28 – линия вала;

29 – приводы кормовых рулей;

30 – кормовые вертикальные стабилизаторы.



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  • 1 month later...

Due nuovi sottomarini nucleari (di classi diverse) presto alle prove in mare .... ghiacci permettendo ....


Borey-class Vladimir Monomakh nuclear ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) and the Yasen-class attack boat (SSN) Severodvinsk will depart the Sevmash shipyard in Northern Russia, pending ice melt.


Fonte .... "Russia Will Begin Sea Trials of New Nuclear Subs this Summer" .... http://news.usni.org/2014/04/15/russia-will-begin-sea-trials-new-nuclear-subs-summer


In questo articolo (in lingua russa) una notevole quantità di informazioni ed immagini del Severodvinsk .... primo esemplare della classe Yasen ....




Per quanto riguarda quest'ultimo vascello (che ha avuto una storia alquanto tormentata) .... non si tratta comunque delle prime prove in mare .... http://www.sevmash.ru/eng/news/386-good-way-lseverodvinskr


Wiki .... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasen-class_submarine

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  • 1 month later...

Il K-560 Severodvinsk, l'ultimo e più moderno sottomarino della Marina Russa, preso in accettazione Martedì a Severodvinsk. Il suo posto è nella Flotta del Nord, e rimarrà in servizio per almeno trent'anni.


@Vorty: hai poi dedotto cosa sia quel "pinnone" a lato dello scafo?



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