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Portaerei 'Admiral Kuznetsov' ... tre anni di lavori per poter poi imbarcare i nuovi velivoli ...


The Russian navy has embarked on a three-year project to modernize its sole aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, or Project 1143.5, with a focus on achieving full operability with the Russian Aircraft MiG-29K/KUB fighter. 
Although navalized MiGs flew from the carrier during trials in 1989-1991 and during its seventh and most recent deployment to the Mediterranean Sea in late 2016/early 2017, they are yet to be completely integrated with the carrier’s systems.
According to the Nevskoye Design Bureau, the ship’s developer, some of the outdated onboard equipment will be replaced by newer systems. 
In a recent interview with the local media, the Bureau’s CEO, Sergei Orlov, said: “The ship shall be able to operate the MiG-29K/KUB and Su-33 fighters, as well as several types of helicopters. It is exactly the MiG-29K/KUB for which the modifications to her are necessary. The pilots want something newer, something more advanced and reliable. We shall modernize almost everything related to aircraft operations."

Fonte: ainonline.com ... Kuznetsov Undergoes MiG-29K Refit ...

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  • 2 months later...

Il bacino galleggiante che ospitava la portaerei è affondato danneggiandola ... ed ora la Marina Russa si trova di fronte ad un grosso problema ...


Russia has officially confirmed that it does not have any facilities that can service its lone carrier, the Admiral Kuznetsov, after the country’s massive PD-50 floating dry dock sank in October 2018. 
State-owned United Shipbuilding Corporation, or USC, says that it is looking into alternatives for servicing the flattop, but those substitutes could be months, if not years away from becoming operational.
USC chief executive Alexei Rakhmanov provided the new details while talking with reporters on Nov. 7, 2018. 
PD-50, one of the largest floating dry docks in the world, sank at the 82nd Shipbuilding Plant at Roslyakovo near Murmansk on Oct. 30, 2018. 
At the time, Kuznetsov was on board undergoing a major overhaul and the carrier sustained damage during the incident.
“We have alternatives actually for all the ships except for Admiral Kuznetsov,” Rakhmanov explained. 
“We hope that the issue of the docking … will be resolved in the near future. We are also preparing several alternatives, about which we will report to the Industry and Trade Ministry.”
Russia’s most likely course of action will be to try and refloat and repair any damage to PD-50. 
The cause of the accident was reportedly an electrical malfunction that left the pumps in the dry dock’s ballast tanks stuck on, causing it to sink rapidly.

Fonte: thedrive.com ... Russia Admits It Doesn't Have Any Dry Docks That Can Fit Its Lone Carrier After Accident ...

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2 ore fa, vorthex ha scritto:

si è saputo che danni ha riportato la Kuznetsov?

una cosa simile accadde la HMS Valiant nel 1944 ed i danni fuorno gravissimi ...

Qualche informazione la si può ricavare da questo articolo ...


... nel quale viene menzionato anche il crollo di una gru sul ponte della nave ...

Edited by TT-1 Pinto
Non avevo inserito il link giusto ...
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  • 2 months later...

Pattugliamento artico ...

Il compito assegnato a velivoli della Marina russa ...


Want another sign of the Cold War's return? 
Russia has announced it will deploy two squadrons of MiG interceptors to fly patrols over the North Pole.
The patrols, which were routine during the Cold War, are largely symbolic. 
They're meant to be a show of force, and to demonstrate that Russia takes its nuclear defense mission seriously. 
As relations with the United States continue to deteriorate, they're back on.
According to the Barents Observer, two squadrons of MiG-31BM interceptors will fly regular patrols over the North Pole region. 
One squadron, part of the 98th Guards Reconnaissance Aviation Regiment stationed in Murmansk region at Monchegorsk airfield, will carry out the patrols from European Russia. 
Russia’s Izvestia news agency reports another squadron, part of the 317th Composite Air Regiment stationed in the Kamchatka region out of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky Yelizovo airport, will carry out the patrols from the other side of Russia. 
Both squadrons are assigned to the Russian Navy
The patrols will continue until the end of 2019.

Fonte: popularmechanics.com ... Russia Resumes Fighter Patrols Over the North Pole ...

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  • 2 months later...

E vorrei ben dire. Chiunque abbia un minimo di buon senso e conoscenza sa che quella nave ha vissuto un eterno calvario. Continuare a investirci su è praticamente un suicidio. Tanto vale puntare su una nuova o rinunciare del tutto ad una componente aeronavale con relativa proiezione di forza. Tanto con una non è che ci si possa fare granché. 

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Il 2/7/2019 in 18:48 , fabio-22raptor ha scritto:


Grave incidente (l'ennesimo) per un sottomarino russo.

Perdono la vita 14 membri dell'equipaggio.

Dal sito dell'USNI ...

... https://news.usni.org/2019/07/02/14-sailors-die-on-secretive-russian-nuclear-submarine ...

Inoltre ... https://news.usni.org/2019/07/03/kremlin-releases-new-details-on-russian-submarine-fire-identifies-sailors-killed ...

Edited by TT-1 Pinto
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Girano voci da un po' di una eventuale partenrship Sino-Russa per una costruzione di una super carrier.

Assieme a tante altre voci di collaborazioni estremamente integrate fra i due stati.  Io sono abbastanza scettico vista la voglia di indipendenza tecnologica soprattutto cinese. Va bene comprare gli S-400 ultima versione, ma fare una carrier "condivisa" mi suona molto strano......

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  • 4 weeks later...


Problemi di lancio missile (R-29R) per l'ultimo Delta III durante l'ultima esercitazione (GROM 2019). Il primo è andato a buon fine, mentre il secondo non è stato fatto partire poiché durante la fase di controllo sono emerse irregolarità, dice il ministro della difesa.

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16 hours ago, fabio-22raptor said:


Problemi di lancio missile (R-29R) per l'ultimo Delta III durante l'ultima esercitazione (GROM 2019). Il primo è andato a buon fine, mentre il secondo non è stato fatto partire poiché durante la fase di controllo sono emerse irregolarità, dice il ministro della difesa.

Diamo atto della trasparenza inimmaginabile anche tempo dopo la caduta dell' URSS...

Edited by nik978
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