ISAF Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 Guardate che la cantieristica spagnola è e resta molto indietro: pensate che hanno dovuto chiedere ai cantieri inglesi di saldare le due metà dello scafo resistente dei loro S-80.Sui Tomahawk, l'Armada non è ha la piena disponibilità; al più loro premono il pulsante di lancio, ma la gestione del missile rimane in mani americane (tant'è che si potrebbero definire, de facto, missili dual key). The S80 are very top to the U212 in propulsion AIP Develop a unique system of propulsion in which a lot of money is invested The Ethanol treats itself about a capable reactor of trasnform in Hydrogen and to do without the dangerous ones and slightly operative deposits inside the submarine. This one taken care They are very much big mas that the U212 and very much powerful mas in armament. To say that this Spain behind in naval construction when Italy buys German Submarines ..... The S80 like very much in Turkey, Norway and Australia as possible clients Un saludo!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enrr Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 (edited) The S80 are very top to the U212 in propulsion AIP Develop a unique system of propulsion in which a lot of money is invested To say that this Spain behind in naval construction when Italy buys German Submarines ..... How much cost (all the cost, development+costruction+logistic support) the S80 program? Yes, we bought the U-212A from Germany (Germany bought gun and ammo for frigate and other) but Spain buy the most important (all?) system and armament of F-100 but US what buy from Spain? EDIT - Traduzione Ma quanto costa il programma S-80 (tutti i costi, sviluppo+costruzione+1a logistica)? Si, noi abbiamo comprato gli U-212A dalla Germania (la Germania ha comprato cannoni e armi per le fregate ed altro) ma la Spagna ha comprato i più importati (tutti?) sistemi e armamenti delle F-100 ma gli US cosa comprano dalla Spagna? Edited May 26, 2008 by enrr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick86 Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 (edited) The S80 are very top to the U212 in propulsion AIP ISAF, I don't know about your AIP specific charachteristics', but the power is the same (300Kw for the spanish and 306Kw for Todaro). Also the submerged range and speed are almost the same (+ 1 knot for Todaro). The only difference is that 2 todaro class SSKs are combat ready, the first of your S-80 should be ready in 2014 very much powerful mas in armament. Weapons' loaded are also the same: 6 533mm torpedo tubes. And if your S-80 can carry tomahawk (by the way, controlled by americans), Todaro can carry Scalp naval missiles. More interesting the range: 14.800Km at 8 knots for Todaro and only 8.000 at 3 knots for S-80 And also the acouistic noise reduction (but it's classified) should be better in Todaro's class Edited May 26, 2008 by Rick86 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HB-CDH Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 In a few word, our u212 are better than your s-80 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISAF Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 The cost is brought near because a project like that suffers variations along his development. Aprox 450 mill of Euros x Submarine. Certain, Spain buys the Aegis, in exchange co-fabrique the missile Essm and sells to USA planes HC-235 patrol martime And Especially 175 A330 MRTT of which CASA it is the person in charge of the design and great part of his Manufacture;) Sufficient? On the presentations of the AIP. The hydrogen is a material that needs specific facilities for his recharges, it is not possible to do in any port or naval arsenal. The Design of the S80 makes the Hydrogen of a reactor inside the Submarine, doing this way without the dangerous ones you recharge and winning in operability. Where it was recharging hydrogen the U212 when it becomes exhausted in half of a mission ....? On the acoustic signature there is no information. Top secret. I suppose that the manufacturers save themselves it. I suppose that the U212/S80 are different Submarines each one with his virtues and his faults *4 Submarines S70 (Agosta) suffering a MLU with new equipments and sensors Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enrr Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 Aprox 450 mill of Euros x Submarine. Certain, Spain buys the Aegis, in exchange co-fabrique the missile Essm and sells to USA planes HC-235 patrol martime And Especially 175 A330 MRTT of which CASA it is the person in charge of the design and great part of his Manufacture;) 450 M€ with development? co-fabrique o co-developmet the ESSM? We ce-development the AARGM/AGM-88E. We sell only the C-27J Spartan that win over the CASA 295 :bleh: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graziani Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 èèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèèè Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISAF Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 450 M€ with development? co-fabrique o co-developmet the ESSM? We ce-development the AARGM/AGM-88E. We sell only the C-27J Spartan that win over the CASA 295 :bleh: 450 Mill of Euros every Submarine. Development and manufacture. To part of the ESSM Spain takes part in the development of the Missile SM2 ER and other many systems. The American coast guard use the plane HC-235 Spanish The C-27J seems to me to be marvellous. I gain the contest of transport to the C295. On other markets it has gained the C295. Chile, Poland Portugal, Brazil, Finland, Jordan .. Certainly. Eads-Casa I gain the contest for 175 Tankers of the USAF.... And a thing more: Because so many rivalry? I do not deal because estan constant comparing with Spain and criticizing everything. That if the BPE that if the F100, the S80 etc etc I do not understand Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
enrr Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 The C-27J seems to me to be marvellous. I gain the contest of transport to the C295. On other markets it has gained the C295. Chile, Poland Portugal, Brazil, Finland, Jordan .. And other markets win Spartan as Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Romania, Lituania. Canada consider only the C-27 for SAR mission. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick86 Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 En el diseño del buque se aplicarán en general estándares comerciales siguiendo la reglamentación del Lloyd's, excepto en parte o en la totalidad de los siguientes sistemas: - Comunicaciones. - Seguridad interior y contraincendios. - Pañoles de munición. - Aprovisionamiento en la mar. - Amarre y fondeo. - Sistemas de autodefensa. - Defensa NBQ. - Mando y control. - Generación eléctrica. - Integración de helicópteros y aviones. - Estabilidad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HB-CDH Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 Ma bastaaaaaaa ISAF........ ITALY WON SPAIN LOST. you can say everything about s-80, but the truth is that our submarine are better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangria Posted May 26, 2008 Report Share Posted May 26, 2008 (edited) s80 probably wil be better than U212A but they are only a few more than a project, We'll se them in 2014, when Italy will Have 4 U212 Mk2. I don't want to do challenges but Spain has started a huge modernization program in a revolutionary moment for naval building and Spain will risk having good but already old units. Edited May 26, 2008 by Sangria Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ivolongobardi Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 Strategicamente saranno + grandi e avranno i Tommy, quindi.... da cuando avere dei tactom ti da superiorita?allora domani mi compro uno scwal russo e me ne vado girando peril mare minacciando le navi da crociera sentendomi il padrone del mondo ma che dici..scusa penso che tu confondi i loro tommini con i tohmawak americani..davvero sei cosi folle da pensare che l'america vendera ad un paese che collabora con chavez,morales e castro i suoi migliori gioielli? laspagna al massimo avra dei tactohmawak che saranno appunto missili controllai al 100% dall'america..missili che a cunto pare l'inghilterra vendera con l'entrata in servizio dello scalp naval..(nettamente superiore al tac tom).il tac tom non sono i tohmawak balistici che la us navy puo caricare sui suoi destroier.. La Spagna invece, ha deciso di entrare nel mercato,.speriamo non sia paragonabile al vecchio ingresso della spagna nel campo dell'aviazione con un cesso con le ali chiamato casa c101...altrimenti cosi come entra nel mercato la sbattono fuori a calci Saranno inferiori ai 212 solo nella tecnologia AIP e forse nell'acciaio di costruzionescusa ma se è scarso anche l'acciaio allora sono un cesso gia in partenza Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ivolongobardi Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 The C-27J seems to me to be marvellous. I gain the contest of transport to the C295. On other markets it has gained the C295. Chile, Poland Portugal, Brazil, Finland, Jordan .. c27j tiene commissionados actualmente 198 exemplares tus casa c27j tiene commissionados 23 donde sacas estas bobadas?claro si vendes un aviones economico a pais tercermundiastas me parece normal que te illaman mas pais..quando tu casa sera el preferido por us army y us air force me das un toque.por ahora los americanos an decidido por el vee que es muxo mejor..porque los americanos entienden la calidad..por favor es mejor que te callas..porque de verdad me cago de las riisa Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cartman Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 c27j tiene commissionados actualmente 198 exemplarestus casa c27j tiene commissionados 23 donde sacas estas bobadas?claro si vendes un aviones economico a pais tercermundiastas me parece normal que te illaman mas pais..quando tu casa sera el preferido por us army y us air force me das un toque.por ahora los americanos an decidido por el vee que es muxo mejor..porque los americanos entienden la calidad..por favor es mejor que te callas..porque de verdad me cago de las riisa Ma un discorso civile no? Abbiamo un ospite internazionale che si comporta in maniera educata, non vedo il motivo di trattarlo così. Siamo tutti d'accordo che l'Armada sta vivendo il suo periodo d'oro grazie all'economia spagnola che è cresciuta negli ultimi anni, a differenza dell'Italia. Siamo tutti d'accordo che seppur l'economia italiana degli ultimi anni è stata un disastro, la MMI rimane superiore in tutto eccetto la componente anfibia/LPD (per il momento), ma questo lo sanno in tutto il mondo. Gli interventi di persone di altri paesi aumenta la qualità del foro, dovremmo incentivarli invece di sbattere la porta in faccia giocando a 'Ce l'ho + grosso'. PS: ogni scarrafone è bello a mamma sua, siamo Noi italiani che lo diciamo, quindi... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sangria Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 concordo in pieno Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Graziani Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 Ma un discorso civile no?Abbiamo un ospite internazionale che si comporta in maniera educata, non vedo il motivo di trattarlo così. Siamo tutti d'accordo che l'Armada sta vivendo il suo periodo d'oro grazie all'economia spagnola che è cresciuta negli ultimi anni, a differenza dell'Italia. Siamo tutti d'accordo che seppur l'economia italiana degli ultimi anni è stata un disastro, la MMI rimane superiore in tutto eccetto la componente anfibia/LPD (per il momento), ma questo lo sanno in tutto il mondo. Gli interventi di persone di altri paesi aumenta la qualità del foro, dovremmo incentivarli invece di sbattere la porta in faccia giocando a 'Ce l'ho + grosso'. PS: ogni scarrafone è bello a mamma sua, siamo Noi italiani che lo diciamo, quindi... Quoto in pieno, la Spagna è avanzata molto militarmente grazie alla crescita generale della loro economia ma fortunatamente per adesso sono ancora dietro di noi ahahahahaah!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISAF Posted June 2, 2008 Report Share Posted June 2, 2008 c27j tiene commissionados actualmente 198 exemplarestus casa c27j tiene commissionados 23 donde sacas estas bobadas?claro si vendes un aviones economico a pais tercermundiastas me parece normal que te illaman mas pais..quando tu casa sera el preferido por us army y us air force me das un toque.por ahora los americanos an decidido por el vee que es muxo mejor..porque los americanos entienden la calidad..por favor es mejor que te callas..porque de verdad me cago de las riisa 102 Casa C295 vendidos a : España Polonia Emiratos Arabes Unidos Brasil Suiza Chile Tailandia China (Taiwan) Jordania Finlandia Portugal Colombia Argelia Many of them with the PERSUARER system Certainly... the USAF buys 175 A330 MRTT made in CASA and 36 HC-235 MPA . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
solamnia74 Posted June 2, 2008 Report Share Posted June 2, 2008 102 Casa C295 vendidos a : España Polonia Emiratos Arabes Unidos Brasil Suiza Chile Tailandia China (Taiwan) Jordania Finlandia Portugal Colombia Argelia Many of them with the PERSUARER system Certainly... the USAF buys 175 A330 MRTT made in CASA and 36 HC-235 MPA . One ask for you: tercio de armada? It's a light brigade or only a regiment? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little_Bird Posted June 2, 2008 Report Share Posted June 2, 2008 It's a brigade with 2 marines regiment and 1 mechanized regiment, 1 artillery group, 1 logistic group, 1 support group. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ivolongobardi Posted June 3, 2008 Report Share Posted June 3, 2008 (edited) How much cost (all the cost, development+costruction+logistic support) the S80 program? Yes, we bought the U-212A from Germany (Germany bought gun and ammo for frigate and other) but Spain buy the most important (all?) system and armament of F-100 but US what buy from Spain? EDIT - Traduzione Ma quanto costa il programma S-80 (tutti i costi, sviluppo+costruzione+1a logistica)? Si, noi abbiamo comprato gli U-212A dalla Germania (la Germania ha comprato cannoni e armi per le fregate ed altro) ma la Spagna ha comprato i più importati (tutti?) sistemi e armamenti delle F-100 ma gli US cosa comprano dalla Spagna? chorizo y jamon iberico :rotfl: :rotfl: comprano il chorizo ed il prosciutto iberico...beh ogni tanto qualche chupa chups diciamo que giudicando i volumi de export ed import la spagna importa tutto e da tutto il mondo..e pèroduce quasi niente Edited June 3, 2008 by ivolongobardi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rick86 Posted June 3, 2008 Report Share Posted June 3, 2008 (edited) One ask for you: tercio de armada? It's a light brigade or only a regiment? It's a fucking good brigate, clearly superior to our Forza di proiezione dal Mare. That's the only point in which spanish are superior Edited June 3, 2008 by Rick86 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISAF Posted June 4, 2008 Report Share Posted June 4, 2008 chorizo y jamon iberico :rotfl: :rotfl: comprano il chorizo ed il prosciutto iberico...beh ogni tanto qualche chupa chups diciamo que giudicando i volumi de export ed import la spagna importa tutto e da tutto il mondo..e pèroduce quasi niente Or pizza and mozzarella... Already make clear that Spain sells the USA (in material of defense) Airplanes Casa and A330 Mrtt etc etc etc Stop insulting please Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ISAF Posted June 4, 2008 Report Share Posted June 4, 2008 It's a fucking good brigate, clearly superior to our Forza di proiezione dal Mare. That's the only point in which spanish are superior In AWD ? 5 F100 Chupa Chups Vs 2 Horizzont Mozarella? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Little_Bird Posted June 4, 2008 Report Share Posted June 4, 2008 Gli spiegate che la MM sta attraversando un periodo di rinnovamento, e che quindi nel medio periodo ci ritroveremo con 2 caccia AAW Doria, 2 caccia DlP, 6-8 Fremm (con Aster30) gia costruite o in via di costruzione, mentre loro, avranno pure 5 caccia AAW F100, ma 6-8 fregatucce da quattro soldi Perry, quelle atro che mozzarella. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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