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C-17A Globemaster III - discussione ufficiale

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fortuna che siamo usciti!

44 A-400??????????????????

e che ci dovevamo fare????

Una compagnia all-cargo tipo Fed-Ex????????????


quanto al confronto C-17 vs A-400 intendevo dire che visto l'assetto attuale dell'AM, nel caso ci fosse bisogno di un potenziamento, sarebbe più logico comprare pochi C-17 che tanti A-400

Edited by Mustanghino
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fortuna che siamo usciti!

44 A-400??????????????????

e che ci dovevamo fare????

Una compagnia all-cargo tipo Fed-Ex????????????


quanto al confronto C-17 vs A-400 intendevo dire che visto l'assetto attuale dell'AM, nel caso ci fosse bisogno di un potenziamento, sarebbe più logico comprare pochi C-17 che tanti A-400


Penso sarà meglio continuare nella discussione dedicata allo A400M .... perché qui siamo ormai parecchio OT .... ;)

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Hai scritto una cosa interessante per me: una compagnia all-cargo tipo Fedex. Io vado a sciare (andavo a sciare ...) una o due volte l'anno. Una volta avevo tutto, scarponi, sci, ecc ... Oggi affittano sci ottimi e non c'è bisogno di trasportarli con il portasci (da comprare) sul tetto dell'auto in autostrada, nè di fare la manutenzione, lamine, sciolina, ecc ....

Dipende tutto da quel che si vuole. Se una cosa la si usa tanto o poco, o così così. Magari può convenire affittare ore di volo da una compagnia all cargo tipo Fedex che accollarsi gli onori ed oneri di una propria flotta da trasporto. In questo modo gli aerei sono di un altro e se la vede lui con la manutenzione.

Facciamo una colletta compriamo unos scassatissimo Il-76 che carica più di un A-400M, lo dipingiamo tutto rosa e lo affittiamo; quando il mulo non ce la fa proprio più facciamo come Salud (Bud Spencer) e Plata (Terence Hill): freghiamo l'assicurazione inscenando disastri aerei ad hoc e intaschiamo il risarcimento, pero: "... in questo lavoro, se ci vai troppo leggero l'assicurazione non ci casca, se ci vai troppo pesante invece ........." hi hi hihihi. Opera d'arte:



Edited by Vultur
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  • 3 weeks later...

Prime consegne all'India ....


First two C-17s for India ....


Boeing is working hard to secure a further round of international sales to ensure continued production of C-17s beyond 2014.

The latest operator to join the C-17 club is India.

By year end the Indian Air Force will have five C-17s in operation, half way towards its planned fleet of 10 by late 2014. This will make it the second largest operator of the Globemaster III after the U.S. Air Force which accepts its 223rd – and final – C-17 from Boeing in mid-September.


Fonte .... http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx?plckBlogId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post:6b9fc606-e7b7-423c-bcef-f88c8b563d15

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  • 2 weeks later...

Diavolo di un C-17 !!!!

Riesce ad atterrare persino nel cuore di New York .... :woot:




The 315th Airlift Wing's mini C-17 replica drives past St Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City during the annual Veterans Day Parade Nov 12, 2010.

The mini C-17 is a community outreach tool built and maintained by reservists from the 315th AW Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

(U.S. Air Force photo/1Lt Joe Simms)


Fonte .... http://www.315aw.afrc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123230884


Ulteriori informazioni sul "velivolo" ....









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  • 5 weeks later...

Continuano le consegne all'India ....


India receives second C-17 ....


India has taken delivery of its second Boeing C-17 Globemaster III strategic transport.

The new aircraft will enter service immediately, says Boeing in a statement.

New Delhi will receive three more C-17s this year, followed by a final five in 2014.


Fonte .... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/india-receives-second-c-17-388569/

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  • 2 weeks later...

Boeing decide di continuare la produzione ancora per un anno .... in attesa di nuovi probabili ordini di provenienza internazionale ....


Boeing approves one more year of C-17 production on anticipated demand ....


Boeing says it is in discussions with a range of new and existing customers, although previous reports have linked the C-17 to additional orders from India and Australia and possible new orders from Saudi Arabia and Singapore.


Fonte .... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/boeing-approves-one-more-year-of-c-17-production-on-anticipated-demand-388983/

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  • 3 weeks later...

Imminente la consegna, a più di 20 anni dalla prima, dell'ultimo C-17 destinato all'USAF ....


C-17 Watch: Mark your Calendars ....


Boeing will deliver the Air Force's 223rd and final C-17 to service officials on Sept. 12 during a ceremony at the company's assembly plant in Long Beach, Calif., company C-17 spokeswoman Tiffany Pitts told the Daily Report on Wednesday.

That same day, the C-17 will make the cross-country trip to JB Charleston, S.C., its beddown location.

Upon the aircraft's arrival, the base will hold its own ceremony to celebrate the delivery, said Charleston spokesman Capt. Frank Hartnett.

Gen. Paul Selva, head of Air Mobility Command, is scheduled to attend Charleston's ceremony, said Hartnett.

So, too, is Lt. Gen. Stanley Clarke, Air National Guard director, and Lt. Gen. James Jackson, Air Force Reserve Command boss, said Hartnett.

Base officials have also invited former AMC commanders and former Charleston wing commanders to attend, he said.

Charleston is home to more than 50 of the Air Force's C-17s; the Air Force's first production C-17 arrived there in June 1993.




Fonte .... il "Daily Report" dell'AFA .... bhf5g7_th.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Aspettando l'ultimo (per l'USAF) .... ci siamo quasi ....


Final Delivery ....


Boeing on Thursday will deliver the Air Force's 223rd C-17 transport—the service's last C-17 on order—during a ceremony at the company's final assembly facility in Long Beach, Calif.

Air Mobility Command boss Gen. Paul Selva, Air National Guard Director Lt. Gen. Stanley Clarke, and Air Force Reserve Command chief Lt. Gen. James Jackson are scheduled to accept the factory-fresh airlifter.

Boeing Military Aircraft President Chris Chadwick and Boeing's C-17 Program Manager Nan Bouchard will represent the company.

"This is an important milestone for our employees, many who have been here since the early days when we were in the design phase," Bouchard told the Daily Report.

The ceremony is scheduled to start at 8:00 a.m. local time.

Following the delivery, Selva, Clarke, and Jackson will board the C-17 for its cross-country flight to JB Charleston, S.C., the aircraft's beddown location.

The three generals are scheduled to speak in Charleston at the ceremony base officials are hosting to mark the occasion.

Dennis Muilenburg, Boeing Defense, Space, and Security president, will also speak at the ceremony, which is slated to begin at 5:00 p.m. local time.


For more on the C-17 and its contributions and significance, continue to Global Workhorse.




Fonte .... il "Daily Report" dell'AFA .... 2mpl6b5.jpg

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Consegnato !


C-17 Production Order Complete ....


Boeing on Thursday delivered the Air Force's 223rd C-17 transport, completing the service's production order some 20 years after the first delivery.

"Thank you for delivering to our nation combat airlift—that is the definition of the C-17—the most versatile, most capable, most ready airlifter ever built," said Gen. Paul Selva, head of Air Mobility Command, at the delivery ceremony at Boeing's final assembly facility in Long Beach, Calif.

"While this is the last new C-17 to be added to the Air Force fleet, the mission does not stop here. The C-17 delivers hope and saves lives, and with the Air Force in the pilot's seat, it will continue to do so well into the future," said Chris Chadwick, Boeing Military Aircraft president, according to the company's release.

Following the ceremony, the factory-fresh C-17, P-223, departed for JB Charleston, S.C., its new home, with Selva, Air National Guard Director Lt. Gen. Stanley Clarke, and Air Force Reserve Command chief Lt. Gen. James Jackson aboard.

At Charleston, the three generals took part in the ceremony welcoming the aircraft.


See also Global Workhorse.


Also, Charleston's Facebook site has postings on the event.




Fonte .... il "Daily Report" dell'AFA .... 2mpl6b5.jpg



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Boeing si avvia verso la fine della produzione ....


Boeing to cease C-17 production in 2015 ....


Boeing will shutter the production line for its C-17 Globemaster III strategic airlifter in 2015, the company announced on 18 September.

“Despite strong international interest we did not receive sufficient orders to continue to protect the C-17 production line beyond 2015,” says Nan Bouchard, Boeing vice-president and C-17 programme manager.


Fonte .... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/boeing-to-cease-c-17-production-in-2015-390717/


The Boeing Company .... http://boeing.mediaroom.com/2013-09-18-Boeing-to-Complete-Production-of-C-17-Globemaster-III-in-2015

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  • 4 weeks later...

Incertezze di bilancio hanno portato, secondo Boeing, alla decisione di chiudere la linea di produzione nel 2015 ....


Boeing Blames Budget Uncertainty For C-17 Line Closure Timing ....


Boeing decided in September to close the Long Beach, Calif., final assembly line in 2015 following delivery of the last 22 strategic airlifters on order.

The U.S. Air Force received the last of 223 C-17s last year.

Boeing had kept the production line open with company funding, while cutting back the production rate from as many as 16 airlifters per year to 10 and pursuing additional international orders.


Fonte .... http://www.aviationweek.com/Article.aspx?id=/article-xml/asd_10_17_2013_p04-01-627590.xml

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  • 5 weeks later...

Ultima offerta .... affrettatevi !!!!


Boeing: Existing Customers Might Sign Up for More C-17s ....

As production of the Boeing C-17 Globemaster III winds down, existing customers might place 11th hour orders for additional aircraft, company officials say.
But those decisions would have to come quickly as the company prepares to close the California-based production line.


Fonte .... http://www.defensenews.com/article/20131116/DEFREG04/311160011/Boeing-Existing-Customers-Might-Sign-Up-More-C-17s

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  • 1 month later...

Il primo C-17 ad entrare in servizio è stato anche il primo a raggiungere il traguardo delle 20.000 ore di volo ....


"Airlift milestone: JB Charleston C-17 reaches 20,000 flight hours" .... http://www.dvidshub.net/news/118439/airlift-milestone-jb-charleston-c-17-reaches-20000-flight-hours#.Uraiqf2A2M9



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  • 1 month later...

Consegnato al Kuwait il primo di due C-17 ....


"Kuwait receives uniquely-liveried C-17" .... http://www.flightglobal.com/news/articles/kuwait-receives-uniquely-liveried-c-17-395966/


Boeing .... "Boeing Delivers Kuwait Air Force’s 1st C-17 Globemaster III" .... http://boeing.mediaroom.com/Boeing-Delivers-Kuwait-Air-Force-s-1st-C-17-Globemaster-III



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  • 3 years later...
  • 8 months later...


E lo ha avuto ...


Dalla pagina 'Contracts' del DoD del 30 Marzo 2018 ...


The Boeing Co., Defense, Space, and Security, Huntington Beach, California, has been awarded a $262,000,000 not-to-exceed undefinitized contract action for one C-17 aircraft.

This contract provides for delivery of a C-17 aircraft in the India unique configuration.

Work will be performed in San Antonio, Texas, and is expected to be complete by Aug. 22, 2019.

This contract involves foreign military sales to the country of India.

This award is the result of a sole-source acquisition.

Foreign military sales funds in the amount of $2,000,000 are being obligated at the time of award.

Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, is the contracting activity (FA8614-18-C-0003).

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Chi acquisterà le officine dove Boeing ha prodotto, per anni, i Globemaster III ?


Boeing is looking to sell the facilities in Long Beach, California where it built the C-17A Globemaster III cargo aircraft. 
This will bring a more definitive end to the company’s serial production of military aircraft in Southern California and makes it even less likely that it would restart production of the airlifters in response to emerging U.S. Air Force demands. 
At the same time, that space could be very attractive to up-and-coming space launch firms, such as Virgin Orbit or SpaceX, who might be looking to expand their operations and there have also been proposals for a more dramatic overhaul of the area.
The Chicago-headquartered plane maker put the property on the market with the help of real estate brokerage NKF Capital Markets on Nov. 5, 2018. 
The nearly four million square foot plot of land adjacent to Long Beach Airport includes the 1.1 million square foot main assembly building where workers built just shy of 280 C-17s for the U.S. Air Force and more than a half dozen foreign customers. 
So far, there is no public asking price for the property.

Fonte: thedrive.com ... Boeing Is Selling Off Its Historic C-17 Production Line Facility In Long Beach ...

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  • 1 year later...

Al gelo intenso dell'Antartico ... ? ? ?


Winter flying season in Antarctica is underway, as C-17s and Airmen deployed for Operation Deep Freeze begin flying in crucial personnel and equipment.
The C-17s, deployed from Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., have flown three missions in recent weeks, transporting 151 personnel and 165,000 pounds of cargo to McMurdo Station, Antarctica, according to a Pacific Air Forces release. 
Airmen quarantined for two weeks before flying in to keep Antarctica the last continent on the globe free of COVID-19.

... airforcemag.com ... C-17s Begin Deep Freeze Flights in Antarctica ...


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Il 12/11/2018 in 09:16 , TT-1 Pinto ha scritto:

Chi acquisterà le officine dove Boeing ha prodotto, per anni, i Globemaster III ?

Fonte: thedrive.com ... Boeing Is Selling Off Its Historic C-17 Production Line Facility In Long Beach ...

peccato non averlo comprato  al tempo!  il c-17 ci sarrebe stato  utile, sacrificherei  4 c-130 per un c-17 nazionale da gestire assieme al programma nato per la flotta comune

Edited by cama81
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  • 3 months later...

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