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AgustaWestland AW-169 - Discussione Ufficiale


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AgustaWestland si dimostra un'azienda molto dinamica e con un ampia gamma di prodotti moderni, che presto si arricchirà con un nuovo arrivato, presentato a Farnborough sotto forma di moke-up.

Fra GrandNew e AW-139 nel 2015 si inserirà l'AW-169 nella categoria delle 4.5 tonnellate.






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Molto interessante.

Oltre a tutto, è specifico per questo modello l'adozione del trasponder che opera in modo S, denominato comunemente ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast ), che invia nell'etere circostante i dati GPS della propria posizione, in modo che il radar secondario degli aeroporti, e i dispositivi a bordo degli aeromobili nel traffico aeroportuale, possano distinguerne la posizione anche in pessime condizioni meteo, a tutto vantaggio della sicurezza.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chissà come rivoluzionerà il mio lavoro l'ADS-B... Anzi, il come si sa meglio del quando! :P


Al di la del fattore estetico (gli elicotteri AW sono infinitamente più belli di quelli USA ed Eurocopter) credo che l'azienda italiana abbia fatto davvero centro con questo modello, andando ad insidiare una fetta di mercato sulla quale, fin'ora, non era presente.


In pratica abbiamo, dall'entry level in poi, AW119, AW109, AW169, AW139, AW149, AW101, una gamma decisamente completa! Non ho inserito l'NH90 poichè AW partecipa marginalmente, il 129 perchè è un elicottero da combattimento, ed il PZL Swidnik perchè non credo che Finmeccanica punti troppo su quel modello.

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  • 3 months later...

Chissà come rivoluzionerà il mio lavoro l'ADS-B... Anzi, il come si sa meglio del quando! :P


Al di la del fattore estetico (gli elicotteri AW sono infinitamente più belli di quelli USA ed Eurocopter) credo che l'azienda italiana abbia fatto davvero centro con questo modello, andando ad insidiare una fetta di mercato sulla quale, fin'ora, non era presente.


In pratica abbiamo, dall'entry level in poi, AW119, AW109, AW169, AW139, AW149, AW101, una gamma decisamente completa! Non ho inserito l'NH90 poichè AW partecipa marginalmente, il 129 perchè è un elicottero da combattimento, ed il PZL Swidnik perchè non credo che Finmeccanica punti troppo su quel modello.


si tuccio, possiamo essere molto orgogliosi dell'agusta ed io ho anche uno zio che lavora all'agusta

Edited by Gianfra1987
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  • 9 months later...

Non c'è una discussione su questo modello, mi sembra opportuno aprirla. Inizio con la scheda presente sul sito di AgustaWestland.


AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is proud to unveil the AW169, a new generation multi-purpose twin engine light transport utility helicopter designed in response to the growing market demand for higher mission flexibility and multi-role capability in the 4.5 ton class. The AW169 has been designed to meet the current and anticipated stringent requirements of commercial and government operators worldwide. The aircraft incorporates several new technology features, incorporated to provide the highest levels of safety and operational benefits for customers. A new generation, advanced aerodynamic rotor design will deliver excellent performance in the most demanding operating environments. The AW169 eco-friendly design also benefits from extensive use of composites, advanced airframe aerodynamics, next generation navigation avionics and state-of-the-art systems. Speaking at the unveiling ceremony Giuseppi Orsi, CEO, AgustaWestland said “We are unveiling the AW169 hear at Farnborough because of the real and exciting potential this aircraft will have for the UK in terms of the market and industrially. Our Company’s commitment to the UK industrial base I believe is widely recognised and the AW169 is another opportunity for the UK to support and participate in a major new programme.”




Pier Francesco Guarguaglini, Finmeccanica Chairman and CEO, commented “Unveiling a brand new state-of-the-art helicopter fitted with the very latest in technology at Farnborough provides clear evidence of Finmeccanica’s committment to innovation and particularly to the United Kingdom where our industrial base is strong and offers a major contribution to our success both in the country and worldwide.” Graham Cole, Managing Director, AgustaWestland went on to say “I am delighted that AgustaWestland in Yeovil is to play an important role in the design, development and production of the AW169. We see a large market for the AW169 and the real prospect of a production line for a AgustaWestland commercial helicopter in Yeovil. He added “ We have already formed a UK parapabulic team which will vigorously pursue with the AW169 and our other products, all UK parapublic opportunities. AW169s which are acquired within the UK will be built and supported in the UK and will be key to opening the production line early.” Dr Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, said “The Government recognises and appreciates the significant investments Finmeccanica have made into the aerospace and defence industries in the UK in recent years and is delighted that this continues with the launch of the AW169. The AW169 is indeed an exciting project that typifies the type of project which will sustain and grow our domestic high technology engineering and manufacturing base into the future.”




The AW169’s avionic suite introduces the very latest technology for maximum situational awareness and all-weather operations, including a full digital NVG compatible cockpit with three 8” x 10” large area displays (AMLCD) with enhanced graphics capability. A 4-axis digital automatic flight control system (DAFCS) with dual Flight Management System (FMS) minimises crew workload allowing single/dual pilot VFR/IFR operations. The avionics suite also complies with satellite-based navigation, communication and surveillance requirements and has the capability to perform satellite-based IFR LPV (localizer performance with vertical guidance) approaches to maximize round-the-clock utilisation of the helicopter. Safety enhancing avionics such as Terrain Awareness Warning Systems, airborne collision avoidance systems and the innovative ‘Guardian’ obstacle detection device can be added to the standard avionic configuration. Environmental friendliness is core to the AW169 design. New generation advanced turboshaft engines for maximum efficiency/low emissions and advanced rotor aerodynamics producing very low external noise, well below regulatory limits, make the AW169 an eco-friendly helicopter according to the very latest standards. This eco-friendly design also benefits from a wide use of composites, advanced airframe aerodynamics, next generation navigation avionics and state-of-the-art technology. The two new generation advanced FADEC-controlled Pratt & Whitney Canada PW210 turboshaft engines deliver high power with maximum efficiency and low emissions. The AW169 can carry two pilots and up to 8/10 passengers, or alternatively two stretchers, in the large unobstructed main cabin accessible via two large sliding cabin doors. The AW169 has been developed in accordance with the latest FAA/EASA Part 29 certification standards and complies with the most stringent safety requirements, including a full crashworthy structure and seats, engine burst containment and one engine inoperative (OEI) capability in the entire envelope. The AW169 has been engineered with maximum maintainability in mind with high TBOs (Time Between Overhaul) for the power plant and main components, a reduced number of life-limited parts, high reliability and low maintenance requirements to maximise operational effectiveness. Thanks its modern design features and capabilities, the 4.5 ton class AW169 is aiming to be the most advanced and cost/effective answer for EMS/SAR, law enforcement, passenger and offshore transport and utility markets. According to mission requirements, the AW169 can be customised with a wide range of equipment including weather radar, FLIR, rescue hoist, cargo hook, search light and medical interior just to name a few. The AW169 is the first brand-new type introduced in its market segment in decades and AgustaWestland forecasts a potential market for almost 1000 aircraft over approximately 20 years.





Ho colto l'occasione poichè AW ha venduto i primi elicotteri di questo modello: tre in Canada (Capitale Hélicoptère) per trasporto VIP ed elisoccorso urgente, più altri due in Gran bretagna (WNAA) in versione air ambulance, questi ultimi da consegnarsi nel 2015.

Edited by Tuccio14
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proprio un bell elicottero....di quelli inglesi WNAA se ne parla su aeronautica e difesa di settembre a pag. 31 dove si parla dell'AW169 come un elicottero pronto a diversi contesti ( EMS, SAR, low enforcement, utility e collegamento ) e di grandi prestazioni negli standard più avanzati di sicurezza








volevo chiedere una cosa: sul portale Wikipedia c'è scritto che il primo volo sarà effettuato nel 2012....quindi finora non ha mai volato?

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volevo chiedere una cosa: sul portale Wikipedia c'è scritto che il primo volo sarà effettuato nel 2012....quindi finora non ha mai volato?

Che io sappia no, il costruttore non ne ha dato comunicazione.

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  • 6 months later...

proprio un bell elicottero....di quelli inglesi WNAA se ne parla su aeronautica e difesa di settembre a pag. 31 dove si parla dell'AW169 come un elicottero pronto a diversi contesti ( EMS, SAR, low enforcement, utility e collegamento ) e di grandi prestazioni negli standard più avanzati di sicurezza








volevo chiedere una cosa: sul portale Wikipedia c'è scritto che il primo volo sarà effettuato nel 2012....quindi finora non ha mai volato?


Ciao, oggi 10.05.2012 l'AW169 ha effettuato il suo primo volo a Cascina Costa.

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Ha una pulizia delle linee eccezionale e se quello che diceva Marcel Dassault vale anche per gli elicotteri...

In ogni caso Agusta Westland offre una gamma completa e moderna che sotto l’eleganza delle macchine nasconde cura per i dettagli, prestazioni al vertice e tecnologia.

Queste sono le eccellenze della nostra industria aerospaziale.

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è stupendo Agusta è veramente leader mondiale!!!


beh la scatola ingranaggi del 139 ha mezzora di autonomia senza olio e senza subire neanche un graffio


Da vedere assolutamente Agusta forever!!!





dura 50 min è favoloso questo documentario!

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Molto interessante il trave di coda...

La carenatura superiore della trasmissione di coda sembra marcatamente asimmetrica. Sebbene non ci sia nessuna soffiante intubata sembra però sfruttare un principio analogo a quello NOTAR. Il flusso d’aria generato dal rotore principale investendo il trave stesso produce una portanza che contribuisce alla coppia di reazione e riduce così il carico sul rotore anticoppia. In ogni caso adotta una soluzione molto più pulita rispetto al 139 che sul lato sinistro del trave di coda ha invece una vistosa aletta. Anche tutto il gruppo motore-trasmissione è decisamente più raccordato con la fusoliera.

L’aerodinamica è molto curata, a tutto vantaggio di efficienza e prestazioni: penso possa diventare il punto di riferimento per la categoria...

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  • 6 months later...

Third AW169 Performs Its Maiden Flight


AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the third prototype of the new generation 4.5 tonne light intermediate AW169 helicopter recently successfully completed its maiden flight at Cascina Costa in Italy. During its 35 minutes flight, the aircraft performed as expected with an assessment of the helicopter’s general handling and basic systems. A fourth prototype in scheduled to fly in early 2013 and the AW169 programme is on schedule to achieve civil certification in 2014. The first two AW169 prototypes, which performed their maiden flights in May 2012 and July 2012, have completed more than 100 flight hours to date. Development activities to be undertaken by the third prototype, the first one featuring retractable landing gear, include climatic chamber tests, cold weather trials, hot & high trials, Cat.A performance tests and certification of optional kits.

The AW169 is part of AgustaWestland’s family of new generation helicopters that includes the AW139 and AW189 models. These helicopters all possess the same high performance flight characteristics and safety features and share the same common cockpit concept and design philosophy. This approach will deliver real cost savings in areas such as training, maintenance and support for existing operators of the AW139 who add AW169 and/or AW189 helicopters to their fleets. Launched in July 2010, the AW169 has rapidly found continued market success, logging orders for more than 70 units so far from customers in North & South America, Asia, Middle East, Europe and Australasia for a wide range of missions including air ambulance, law enforcement, corporate transport, utility and offshore transport.

A versatile, new generation twin engine helicopter, the AW169 has been designed in response to the growing market demand for an aircraft that delivers high performance, meets all the latest safety standards and has multi-role capabilities. It is the first all new helicopter design in its class in decades and the only one that will meet all the latest safety requirements. The AW169 incorporates several new technology features to provide the highest levels of safety and operational benefits for its customers. New generation technologies are incorporated in the rotor system, engines, avionics, transmission and electric power generation and distribution systems. The AW169 is powered by two 1,000 shp class PW210A turbo shaft engines which will give the aircraft Vertical Cat. A / Class 1 capability up to ISA+20 at sea level and maximum gross weight. Latest technologies include an APU mode capability and touch screen cockpit devices. The AW169 is set to be the most advanced and cost effective helicopter in its class for EMS, SAR, law enforcement, passenger and offshore transport and utility missions.

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Starspeed Ltd. Signs Contract for an AW169 Helicopter


AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that Starspeed Ltd. of the UK has signed a preliminary sale contract for one AW169 light intermediate helicopter plus an option for an additional aircraft. The helicopter will be used to perform VIP transport missions in the United Kingdom. The order marks the entrance of the all new AW169 into the important UK VIP market and further expands the significant and rapidly growing success already achieved by the AW169 in the UK and worldwide for various applications. Starspeed Ltd is a UK based helicopter management company, established in 1978 and specialising in the VVIP transport market. Starspeed offers the ultimate in executive helicopter charter services for London, the UK and Europe, as well as aircraft management and advanced pilot training services.

Emilio Dalmasso, Senior Vice President Commercial Business Unit, AgustaWestland said “We are delighted to have Starspeed as the first UK customer for the AW169 VIP, the only new generation helicopter in its category in decades. We are confident that this sale represents the first of many for the UK’s VIP/corporate transport market and that the AW169 is set to become the benchmark helicopter in its category in this market.” He went on to say “The unrivalled combination of high performance, cabin space and comfort, latest safety standard, maintainability and state-of-the-art flight and mission technology featured in the AW169, will be strongly beneficial to Starspeed’s customers in offering the ultimate flight experience.” ìGary Butcher, Managing Director for Starspeed Ltd, commented “The history of corporate helicopters has so far been a story of finding acceptable compromise, with no single helicopter really standing out as the ideal combination of price, performance and maintainability for the market. In the AW169, Starspeed recognises the start of a new chapter in the story of corporate helicopter services, one where there is no compromise and every performance indicator and success factor is built in, through design and an emphasis on customer requirements. The AW169 is just the product we have been waiting for.”

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Arriva lo AW169 AAS (Armed Aerial Scout) ....


AgustaWestland is In - But is There an AAS Program?


AgustaWestland took the wraps off its contender, the AW169 AAS, for the US Army's Armed Aerial Scout requirement at the Quad-A show in Fort Worth this week.


The full-scale mockup unveiled at the show was minus its rotor blades, but even without them the twin-engined AW169 is a big beast - one of the biggest of the AAS contenders and, at around 10,000lb gross weight, almost twice as heavy as the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior it is intended to replace.


Fonte .... http://www.aviationweek.com/Blogs.aspx?plckBlogId=Blog:27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog%3a27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3ae6d262e1-df61-4fa9-826e-47ecb6ab6520


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Mi sembra troppo pesante (e quindi caro) per una missione del genere, e se la palla sotto il muso è tutto quello che c'è come visore, un passo indietro rispetto al MMS del Kiowa II in termini di stealth. Non si vedono bene gli scarichi, ma sembrano avere i vecchi soppressori a segmenti, avranno la "cipolla" dentro?

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Leggendo in giro mi sembra che l'"US Army's Armed Aerial Scout requirement" verrà almeno rimandato. Un'altra vittima della sequestration, quindi questo sviluppo dell'AW169 potrebbe non essere proprio una discussione calda.

Edited by Scagnetti
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  • 5 months later...

Un ordine dal Giappone ....


Asahi Shimbun Orders an AW169 Helicopter for ENG Operations ....


AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, and Mitsui Bussan Aerospace are pleased to announce that Japan's leading newspaper ‘The Asahi Shimbun' has placed an order for one AW169 4.5 ton class helicopter.

This aircraft, which adds to a GrandNew light twin helicopter already in service with the same customer, will be used to perform Press and Electronic News Gathering (ENG) missions in Japan.


Fonte .... http://www.agustawestland.com/news/asahi-shimbun-orders-aw169-helicopter-eng-operations

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