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Stavo leggendo un articolo sul KH-47M2 Kinžal e le sue prestazioni ipersoniche, e mi chiedevo: quando un'arma, al di là dell'avvenuto rilevamento e della possibilità di essere seguito da un radar, ha una velocità tale da essere pressoché inintercettabile?

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In teoria è sempre intercettabile. Persino i missili balistici intercontinentali possono essere colpiti. 


Ma l'aumento della velocità rende il rilevamento e la successiva procedura di tracciamento molto più difficili. Richiede un sistema di spolettatura della testata molto preciso o, se è previsto l'impatto diretto, un missile molto sofisticato.

Un altro problema è dato dalla quota di volo, dalla possibilità di compiere manovre evasive e dal possibile impiego di contromisure. 


Così, un attacco coordinato anche di solo 10 missili ICBM con testate MIRV, sarebbe difficile da fermare, ammesso che vi fossero missili ABM sufficienti...

A proposito di Kh-47M2: 



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Collaborazione ... :woot:


The Pentagon is working with industry on new demonstrations that will be “quickly” turned into programs and new capabilities, he (Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan) said, citing hypersonics as one. 
“In June, the Air Force signed an agreement with the Army [and] Navy research and engineering, outlining a cross-service approach to hypersonics.” 
They have formed “a national team” to collaborate on “design, development, testing, and production, including both near-term prototyping and long-term acquisition of operational systems.”

Fonte: airforcemag.com ... Services Working Together to Speed Up Hypersonics Development ...

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Armi ipersoniche USA ... la prima versione in servizio già dal 2020 ...


Air Force acquisition chief Will Roper told reporters he thinks the Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon (HCSW) could go operational in the 2020 timeframe, but that it will be a basic system the service will buy in only limited quantities. 
USAF will likely buy a full inventory later, after “spiral” improvements have added desirable additional features.
Speaking with reporters at AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference, Roper said that of all the services that are pursuing hypersonic weapons, USAF “has the easiest path to fielding.” The initial version of the weapon will likely be carried by a B-52, which he said is “very forgiving” in terms of the size of munitions. The system won’t have to be miniaturized, he said, or shrunk to fit a small volume.

Fonte: airforcemag.com ... Roper Sees Hypersonic Weapon Operational Circa 2020, But Only First Version ...

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Armi ipersoniche ... gli Stati Uniti sperano di avere una possibilità di difesa entro pochi anni ...


The USA could have a counter hypersonic weapon developed by the mid-2020s.
However, creating a workable defense against hypersonic vehicles and missiles would require developing longer range radars and new space-based sensors to track and target an adversary’s weapons soon after they are launched, said Michael Griffin, undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, at a National Defense Industrial Association event on 13 December, according to a transcript (*) and press release (**) from the Pentagon.
The Department of Defense believes that the stage to knock out hypersonic weapons is during their relatively long cruise phase, in which they don’t change course abruptly. 
Hypersonic missiles during that stage are not particularly hard to intercept, but it would require an advanced warning, says Griffin.
Unfortunately, current US radars can’t see far enough.
“They need to see thousands of kilometers out, not hundreds,” he says.

Fonte: flightglobal.com ... Counter hypersonic weapon possible by mid-2020s: DoD ...

(*) ... dod.defense.gov ... Media Availability With Deputy Secretary Shanahan and Under Secretary of Defense Griffin at NDIA Hypersonics Senior Executive Series ...

(**) ... dod.defense.gov ... DOD Scaling Up Effort to Develop Hypersonics ...

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Armi ipersoniche ... entra in gioco un nuovo veicolo sperimentale ...


An experimental test rocket used to refine the Air Force’s understanding of hypersonic flight has passed its critical design review, the service said Monday. 
The X-60A, an air-dropped liquid rocket designed to help research scramjet propulsion, high-temperature materials, and autonomous control, will now be built and head to its first flight test in about a year, according to the Air Force Research Laboratory (*)
AFRL partnered with Generation Orbit Launch Services to develop the vehicle, which is the first Small Business Innovative Research program awarded the experimental “X” designation.

L'intero articolo ... airforcemag.com ... AFRL’s Experimental Hypersonic Flight-Testing Rocket Passes CDR ...


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I Francesi si danno da fare ...


Scramjet Will Power France’s Next Nuclear Missile ...

Steve Trimble - Aviation Week & Space Technology - April 4, 2019 

A supersonic-combustion ramjet will power a future hypersonic cruise missile planned to replace France’s current air-launched nuclear deterrent. 
The government’s first confirmation of the propulsion system for the secretive ASN4G program was tucked into a news release (*) from France’s Directorate General for Armaments (DGA) about a new supercomputer facility being opened by MBDA, the missile’s developer.  
The European missile manufacturer will use the supercomputer to support further development of the ASN4G, the DGA says. 
The release then notes that the ASN4G will be a hypersonic missile powered by an innovative “superstatoreacteur,” the French term for a scramjet. 
French aerospace laboratory Onera is supporting preliminary studies underway for the ASN4G program, the DGA release adds.  
The ASN4G is the first confirmed future weapon with an air-breathing scramjet engine. 
A scramjet is capable of burning fuel in supersonic airflow, a necessity as vehicle speeds surpass Mach 5. 
Russia’s 3M22 Tsikron (Zircon) hypersonic anti-ship cruise missile is reported to be scramjet-powered.
France first acknowledged it was working on ASN4G in 2014. 
The weapon is scheduled to enter service in 2035 to replace the air-launched ASMP-A, a supersonic cruise missile with a 300-kiloton nuclear warhead that is carried by the Dassault Rafale fighter.  
MBDA CEO Antoin Bouvier confirms the company was awarded initial contracts by the French government in 2018 to begin technology demonstrations supporting development of the ASN4G. 
Hypersonics is “one of the technologies” being worked on for the ASMP-A’s successor, he says.
Although scramjets have been tested experimentally by the U.S., Russia and most recently China, no country has confirmed plans to develop a new hypersonic missile with an air-breathing engine. 
The U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory flew the Boeing X-51 Waverider above Mach 5 on scramjet power in 2013. 
Under DARPA’s follow-on Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept program, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are expected to fly competing scramjet-powered missile demonstrators in 2020.
The U.S. plans to replace its airborne nuclear deterrent - Boeing’s subsonic AGM-86 - with the Long-Range Stand-Off (LRSO) weapon but has not confirmed whether the new cruise missile will be subsonic, supersonic or hypersonic. 
Lockheed and Raytheon are competing to develop the LRSO and are working under 54-month technology maturation and risk reduction contracts awarded in August 2017.
Developed from the earlier ASMP nuclear missile carried by French Air Force Dassault Mirage IV bombers, the ASMP-A entered service in 2009 on the Dassault Mirage 2000N, now retired, and in 2010 on the Rafale. 
Powered by a liquid-fueled ramjet, the missile has a range of 500 km (310 mi.) and a speed of up to Mach 3. 
The ASN4G is expected to have a range exceeding 1,000 km.
MBDA and Onera have been working for some time on development of dual-mode ramjet/scramjet technology to extend operation to higher speeds, up to Mach 8 for military applications. 
The ASN4G also widens the French government’s interest in hypersonic weapons. 
In January, Defense Minister Florence Parly announced a study by ArianeGroup into a hypersonic glider called the Experimental Maneuvering Vehicle (V-MaX). 
The glider is planned to fly in 2021.
France has two pillars of its nuclear arsenal, the other being the M51 submarine-launched ballistic missile produced by ArianeGroup. This likely will be the platform for tests of V-MaX. ASN4G will probably equip the Next-Generation Fighter that forms the French element of the Franco-German Future Combat Air System program.
Despite its work on scramjet-powered missile technology, the U.S. is focusing on development of boost-glide strike weapons in its push to match advances in hypersonic weaponry by Russia and China. 
The U.S. Air Force plans to field the air-launched rocket-powered Hypersonic Conventional Strike Weapon - similar in concept to Russia’s Kinzhal missile - and boost-glide Airborne Rapid-Response Weapon early in the 2020s.

(*) ... https://www.defense.gouv.fr/fre/actualites/la-vie-du-ministere/inauguration-du-nouveau-data-center-de-mbda ...

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Aerojet Rocketdyne ha ricevuto, da Lockheed Martin, un contratto per la realizzazione di un motore-razzo a propellenti solidi per un missile ipersonico destinato all'USAF ...

... defensenews.com ... https://www.defensenews.com/industry/techwatch/2019/12/17/lockheed-awards-815m-contract-for-hypersonic-missile-motor/ ...


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Common Hypersonic Glide Body (C-HGB) ... una prima valutazione ...


A flight test of the joint Army-Navy hypersonic glide vehicle across the Pacific Ocean was a success, thanks to a dedicated team who managed complexity and change, officials said.

... defense.gov ... https://www.defense.gov/Explore/News/Article/Article/2128549/joint-team-ensures-hypersonic-test-success/source/GovDelivery/ ...


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Armi ipersoniche ... l'USAF assegna un contratto relativo a studi sull' impiego di razzi sonda per test di vario tipo nell'ambito dello sviluppo di nuove armi ipersoniche ...


The US Air Force (USAF) is studying using a suborbital sounding rocket to test materials, sensors and flight controls at hypersonic speeds.
Exos Aerospace Systems and Technologies, maker of the commercial Suborbital Autonomous Rocket with Guidance (SARGE), was granted an $50,000 Small Business Innovation Research phase I contract by the service to examine whether its sounding rocket can be repurposed for hypersonic testing, the company says on 27 March.

... flightglobal.com ... US Air Force looks at using small sounding rocket for hypersonic testing ...



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