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macchi 202 nelle forze aeree croate

Carlo Duccilli

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Sto cercando notizie e foto sull'impiego dei caccia Macchi presso le forze aeree croate durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Sia il libro della collana Osprey dedicata agli assi croati, sia l'ottimo libro sull'aviazione croata (di Danijel Frka, Josip Novak & Sinisa Pogacic - ed Lela Presse) ne parlano, ma l'argomento è solo accennato e le foto scarse.

Qualcuno può illuminarmi ?

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Guest galland

Non ho cognizione alcuna dell'utilizzo da parte Croata di Macchi c.202.

Se avvenne fu dopo l'otto settembre, tramite una "triangolazione" di materiale bellico italiano da parte tedesca.

Ma tqnto in via puramente ipotetica.

Una simile sorte ebbero i Fiat G.50 (cfr. specifico topic).

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Usando "Macchi 202 Croatia" su Google, ho trovato:




"1944 also saw the return of the Croatian Air Force Legion (HZL) fighter squadron to Croatia from service on the Eastern Front. Upon its return the HZL was redesignated Kroat. JGr 1 and its operational fighter squadron was redesignated 2./(Kroat.)JGr. Soon after arrival 2./(Kroat.)JGr sent its Croatian pilots to collect 12 brand new Macchi C.202 fighters direct from the plant near Milan in Italy. These aircraft retained their Luftwaffe markings whilst in service with the unit. A second training/operational conversion squadron was also formed, designated 3./(Kroat.)JGr and equipped with Macchi C.200 and Fiat CR.42 fighters. After a period of operational conversion, the squadron commenced operations against the frequent incursions over Croatia by USAAF and RAF aircraft. During a period of intensive activity over the summer of 1944, the squadron claimed some 20 Allied aircraft shot down, while at the same time receiving six further Macchi C.202s, as well as four brand new Macchi C.205s."




"The rest of the C.202s fought to defend Sicily, Sardinia, and Naples. Results were poor, and Bf 109s, C.205s and G.55s replaced C.202s as soon as possible. Several C.202s had also served with the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, and some were transformed into C.205s. Other served as trainers in the National Republican Air Force (Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana) of the Italian Social Republic (RSI) and the German Air Force (Luftwaffe). Switzerland ordered C.202s, but none were delivered. However, 18 airplanes were delivered to the Croatian Air Force Legion for operational use against the RAF and USAAF over Croatia in mid-1944."


Due profili a colori sul sito Russo "Wings Palette" http://wp.scn.ru/en/ww2/f/920/39/0

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Guest intruder
Several C.202s had also served with the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, and some were transformed into C.205s.


Questa mi arriva nuova.

Edited by intruder
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si infatti, mi sa di bufola una trasformazione!

Niente affatto.

Tenete presente che la cellule del 202 e del 205 erano praticamente identiche, le differenze erano nelle ali (che erano le stesse, ma nel 205 alloggiavano i cannoni alari) ed ovviamente nel motore con relativa cofanatura, compresi i piccoli radiatori dell'olio esterni (presenti solo sul 205).

In totale i 202 convertiti in 205 per l'ICAF furono una ventina; ovviamente le conversioni non vennero fatte "sul campo" ma da ditte aeronautiche del sud.

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