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Grave incidente aereo in indonesia

Guest galland

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Guest galland

Indonesia, Un Aereo Militare Con 110 Passeggeri Precipita Sull'Isola Di Giava. Almeno 78 Le Vittime

da 2 ore 33 minuti


Giacarta, 20 mag. (Adnkronos) - E' di almeno 78 morti il bilancio del disastro aereo avvenuto oggi in Indonesia, dove un velivolo militare con 110 persone a bordo è precipitato al suolo in una zona residenziale sull'isola di Giava. Sull'Hercules C-130 si erano imbarcati militari accompagnati dalle mogli. A bordo del velivolo viaggiavano anche dieci bambini.


Tra le vittime almeno due residenti della zona dove l'aereo è precipitato, a sette chilometri di distanza circa dall'aeroporto di Madiun, dove era previsto uno scalo tecnico.


Una fonte dell'ospedale Iswayudi di Madiun ha riferito di 19 superstiti ricoverati nella struttura. Altri nove feriti, tra loro due bambini, sono stati trasferiti in un altro ospedale della stessa città. Molti di loro versano in condizioni critiche.


L'aereo era in volo tra Giacarta e la provincia orientale di Papua: un testimone ha riferito di aver udito due esplosioni a seguito delle quali è scoppiato l'incendio che ha avvolto l'apparecchio. La televisione ha trasmesso le immagini del velivolo spezzato in due e con la fusoliera in fiamme.


Quello di oggi è il secondo incidente di un velivolo delle Forze Aeree indonesiane nelle ultime settimane: il 6 aprile scorso, un Fokker F-27 era precipitato ad ovest di Giava, causando la morte dei 24 ufficiali che si trovavano a bordo.

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Guest galland

Ho copiato la notizia da Yahoo, comunque trattandosi di civile e non militari equipaggiati...

L'ultimo velivolo a decollare dall'aeroporto di Tunisi fu un SM75 recante a bordo oltre 70 persone.

Nei voli verso Fuka l'SM74 trasportava sino a 40 paracadutisti equipaggiati.

Perciò non è impossibile che 100 persone vengano trasportate su un C130...

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  • 3 years later...
  • 2 weeks later...

scusa ma 110 persone su un C-130??? ma stavano in piedi???


bè per wiki può portare 92 soldati il modello H... quindi non mi sembra difficile farci entrare 110 persone. purtroppo.



(scusate la lunga assenza)

Il pilota di questo herky potrebbe dissentire...






On April 29, 1975, when the fall of Saigon was imminent. Tan Son Nhut Air Base was taking heavy fire, and its ramps and taxiways were littered with the burning carcasses of what had been the South Vietnamese Air Force. A VNAF officer, Tim Nguyen, saw a single Lockheed C-130A taxing out with people still streaming to climb on board the cargo ramp. He joined them, forcing his way on board.


At the end of the runway, the cargo door finally closed. The pilot, Major Phuong, pushed the power forward and the overweight Hercules slowly ran down the 9,000 foot runway, finally staggering off the ground at the end of the 1,000 foot overrun. The C-130 stayed in ground effect until it gained enough speed to begin a shallow climb.


The airplane was at least 20,200 pounds overweight, as it carried no fewer than 452 people, including thirty-three crowded into the flight deck. After a meandering flight of three and one-half hours, Phuong landed at U Tapao Royal Thai Air Base. When Nguyen got out, he looked at the C-130 and vowed that he would someday work for the company that built the airplane that saved his life. Today he does just that, at Lockheed Martin in Marietta, Georgia, where he is a specialist in defensive systems. The aircraft that carried him and 451 others to safety may now be found as the gate guardian at Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas.



A co-pilot 1st Lt. Pham-Quang-Khiem in the 435th Squadron tells of a hair-raising incident of one such C-130 evacuation flight when he had loaded what was thought to be 200 marines, army, civilians, as well as families of VNAF. In the loading confusion, people continued to jam into the aircraft, eventually making it impossible to raise the loading ramp for take-off. The pilot solved this problem by fast taxiing and then jamming on the brakes. It was effective and on arrival he observed the cargo as a "compressed mass" of humanity. The best he could figure was that there were about 350 people on board.




The C-130A Hercules, tail # 56-0518, was the 126th built by Lockheed Aircraft corp. of Marietta, Georgia. It was accepted into the Air Force inventory on 23 August 1957.


It was assigned to the 314th Troop Carrier Wing at Sewart AFB, Tennessee, from 1964 to 1972. On 2 November 1972, it was given to the South Vietnamese Air Force as part of the Military Assistance Program. A few years later, the aircraft would be involved in a tremendously historic flight.


On 29 April 1975,this Herk was the last out of Vietnam during the fall of Saigon. With over 100 aircraft destroyed on the flight line at Tan Son Nhut Air Base, some of them still burning, it was the last flyable C-130 remaining. In a very panicked state, hundreds of people were rushing to get aboard, as the aircraft represented a final ticket to freedom.


People hurriedly crowded into the Herk, packing in tighter and tighter. Eventually, the loadmaster informed the pilot, Major Phuong, a South Vietnamese instructor pilot, that he could not get the rear ramp closed due to the number of people standing on it. In a moment of inspiration, Major Phuong slowly taxied forward, then hit the brakes. The loadmaster called forward again stating he had successfully got the doors closed.


In all, 452 people were on board, including a staggering 32 in the cockpit alone. Using a conservative estimate of 100 pounds per person, it translated into an overload of at least 10,000 pounds. Consequently, the Herk used every bit of the runway and overrun before it was able to get airborne.


The target was Thailand, which should have been 1:20 in flight time, but after an hour and a half, the aircraft was over the Gulf of Slam, and they were clearly lost. Finally, a map was located, they identified some terrain features, and they were able to navigate. They landed at Utapao, Thailand after a three and a half hour flight.


Ground personnel were shocked at what "fell out" as they opened the doors. It was clear that a longer flight would almost certainly have resulted in a loss of life. In the end, however, all 452 people made it to freedom aboard this historic C-130.


Upon landing, the aircraft was reclaimed by the United States Air Force and was assigned to two different Air National Guard units for the next 14 years. On 28 June 1989, it made its final flight to Little Rock Air Force Base, current home of the 314th Airlift Wing, and was placed on static display.

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