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Elicotteri Us Army


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Gli elicotteri che ha l'Us-Army sono:


AH-1 Series Cobra Attack Helicopter

The AH-1 Cobra is the Army's older attack helicopter. The version deployed to Southwest Asia was the AH-1F Most systems of the AH-1F have been upgraded to about the level of the AH-64A Apache. Improvements include a more powerful engine and new or enhanced systems for fire control, thermal imaging, radar jamming, and infrared countermeasures.



Length: 53.1 feet with rotors

Wingspan: 10.8 feet

Width: 3.3 feet

Height: 13.4 feet

Weight: 5 tons

Speed: 195 miles per hour

Range: 315 miles

Crew: 2


ARMAMENT (various combinations)


TOW rnissiles

Hydra 70 rockets

20-mm. cannon



AH-64A Apache Attack Helicopter

The AH-64A Apache is the Army's principal attack helicopter. Built to endure front-line environments, it can operate during the day or night and in adverse weather utilizing the integrated helmet and display sight system. The AH-64A is also equipped with some of the latest avionics and electronics, such as the target acquisition designation sight, pilot night vision system, radar jammer, infrared countermeasures, and nap-of-earth navigation. The Apaches employed in Southwest Asia also had the global positioning system.




Length: 58.3 feet with rotors

Wingspan: 16.3 feet

Width: 6.5 feet ,

Height: 12.7 feet

Weight: 10.5 tons

Speed: 227 miles per hour

Range: 300 miles

Crew: 2


ARMAMENT (various combinations)


HELLFIRE missiles

Hydra 70 rocket,

30-mm. chain gun



CH-47D Chinook Transport Helicopter

The CH-47D Chinook is a highly versatile heavy-lift helicopter. Its primary missions range from troop movements and artillery emplacement to battlefield resupply. With its triple-hook cargo system, the CH-47D is able to carry heavy payloads-for example, bulldozers and forty-foot containers-and still travel at speeds over 155 miles per hour. In air assault operations it often serves as the principal mover of the 155-mm. M198 howitzer, thirty rounds of ammunition, and an eleven-man crew. Like most Army helicopters, the Chinook is equipped with advanced avionics and electronics, including the global positioning system.




Length: 98.9 feet with rotors

Width: 12.4 feet

Height: 18.9 feet

Weight: 27 tons

Payload: 12.5 tone (internal)

12.5-17 tons (external)

Speed: 177 miles per hour

Range: 706 miles

Crew: 4





OH-55 Series Kiowa Scout Helicopter

The OH-58 Kiowa, as a scout helicopter, has the primary missions of reconnaissance, surveillance, and intelligence gathering. The latest version is the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior, which has the additional mission capability of target acquisition and/or laser designation. It can operate during the day or night and in adverse weather. Under a program designated Prime Chance, some OH-58Ds have been retrofitted to carry air-to-air and air-to-ground weapons.




Length: 42.2 feet with rotors

Width: 7.9 feet

Height: 12.9 feet

Weight: 2.8 tons

2.3 tons (unarmed)

Speed: 149 miles per hour

Range: 288 miles

Crew: 2


ARMAMENT UNDER PRIME CHANCE (various combinations)


Stinger rmissiles

HELLFIRE missiles

Hydra 70 rockets

.50-caliber machine gun

7.62-mm. machine gun


UH-1H Iroquois Utility Helicopter

The UH-1 Iroquois, or "Huey," is a Vietnam-vintage multipurpose helicopter that is being phased out by the introduction of the UH-60 Black Hawk. The latest version, the UH-1H, was deployed to Southwest Asia. Primary missions include general support, air assault, cargo transport, aeromedical evacuation, search and rescue, and electronic warfare.




Length: 57.1 feet with rotors

Width: 8.6 feet

Height: 14.5 feet

Weight: 4.7 tons

Payload: 1.5 tons (internal) 2 tons (external)

Speed: 127 miles per hour

Range: 318 miles

Crew: 3-4

Passangers: 11-14



Type: 7.62-mm. machine gun






UH-60A Black Hawk Utility Helicopter

The UH-60A Black Hawk is the Army's primary utility/assault helicopter. It can perform a wide array of missions, to include air cavalry, electronic warfare, and aeromedical evacuation. In air assault operations it can move a squad of eleven combat troops and equipment or carry the 105-mm. M102 howitzer, thirty rounds of ammunition, and a six-man crew. The Black Hawk is equipped with advanced avionics and electronics, such as the global positioning system.



Length: 64.9 feet with rotors

Width: 7.8 feet

Height: 12.3 feet

Weight: 10.1 tons

Payload: 2 tons (internal)

4 tons (external)

Speed: 184 miles per hour

Range: 368 miles

1,012-1,380 miles with auxiliary tanks

Crew: 3-4



Type: 7.62-mm. machine gun





The U.S. Army is planning to acquire more than 300 LUH platforms to replace aging UH-1 and OH-58 aircraft through a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)-based acquisition strategy. The LUH will perform a wide range of light utility missions in the United States, including passenger and logistics transportation, medical evacuation and homeland security operations. The Army National Guard is expected to receive the majority of these replacement aircraft.


EADS North America's UH-145 solution will be a U.S.-built helicopter that offers a best value solution to meet or exceed all speed, range, endurance and performance requirements for the LUH mission. The UH-145 is a version of the highly successful EC145 helicopter, which has been in production since 2002 for law enforcement, paramilitary and security agencies, emergency medical service providers, offshore operators and corporations in America and around the world.


On 03 October 2005 EADS North America expanded the industrial team for its UH-145 advanced helicopter with the addition of Sikorsky Aircraft, which will provide its expertise in contractor logistics support (CLS) for the U.S. Army's Light Utility Helicopter (LUH) mission.


Also joining the UH-145 team are WestWind Technologies, specializing in fast-reaction helicopter systems integration, engineering support, and program management support, and CAE, specializing in simulation and training. Together, the new team members augment the proven capabilities of EADS North America and its American Eurocopter business unit.


Overall program management for the UH-145 system will be directed by EADS North America Defense, a business unit of Arlington, Virginia-based EADS North America.


Sikorsky occupies a prominent position in the medium-to-heavy military helicopter marketplace, and its products are used by all branches of the U.S. armed forces as well as many foreign militaries. The company's role on the UH-145 team provides a complementary business activity for Sikorsky, which does not produce an aircraft in the Light Utility Helicopter category that meets with the requirements set forth in the Army's LUH request for proposals.


WestWind Technologies operates the U.S. Army's Logistics Support Facility at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, and specializes in quick-reaction, cost-effective mission equipment integration and airframe modification. Programs handled by the company include integration of the Common Missile Warning System on Army CH-47 Chinooks, UH-60 BLACK HAWKs, and AH-64 Apaches; the design, mechanical and electrical integration, and installation of Martin-Baker crashworthy seats on U.S. Air Force HH-60G PAVE HAWK special operations helicopters; and desert modifications for the U.S. Army's UH-60 BLACK HAWK, CH-47 Chinook, AH-64 Apache and OH-58D Kiowa Warrior helicopters.


Tampa, Florida-based CAE USA will supply the UH-145 cockpit procedures trainers, which will become an integral element of pilot training and familiarization for Army crews operating the helicopter. CAE is a global leader in the design of sophisticated military and commercial training systems, having supplied the defense forces of more than 30 nations with simulation, training, and mission rehearsal solutions. The company has designed the widest range of helicopter simulators in the world, including A/MH-6, MH-60, and MH-47 combat mission simulators for the U.S. Army's 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment.



Length (rotor rotating)

Fuselage length


Fuselage width

Main rotor diameter

Tail rotor diameter

42.7 ft.

33.4 ft.

11.3 ft.

5.7 ft.

36.1 ft.

6.4 ft.


Maximum take-off weight

Maximum weight with external load

Useful load

7,903 lb.

7,903 lb.

3,953 lb.

Capacity 2 pilots +

8 passengers


Take-off power (per engine) 2 Turbomeca ARRIEL 1E2

738 shp

Performance at Mission Weight (ISA)

Maximum speed (Vne) at SL

Hover ceiling IGE

Hover ceiling OGE

Range at SL


145 kt.

11,300 ft.

9,000 ft.

370 nm






queste informazioni le ho prese dal sito ufficiale dell'US Army e anche da globalsecurity.org (scusate se non ci ho messo la traduzione ma devo andare di fretta :rolleyes: )

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Divisi per ruolo:


multiruolo in operazioni di combattimento: UH-60L BlackHawk (e altre versioni specializzate in C2, EW, MEDEVC)

multiruolo in operazioni di supporto al combattimento: UH-145A

attacco: AH-64A/D Long Bow III

attacco e ricognizione: ARH-70A

trasporto medio-pesante: CH-47F Chinook

operazioni speciali: MH/AH-6M Little Bird

addestramento: dovrebbe essere una versione militare del Bell 206



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Edited by Little_Bird
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