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salve ragazzi scusate se rientro così sul forum chissà se vi ricordate di me :P


se non ricordavo male qui c'era almeno qualcuno che sapeva bene l'inglese

avrei bisogno di una mano urgente con l'inglese che devo tradurre una cosa su orwell dall'italiano all'inglese, mi servirebbe qualcuno che mi aiuta, sono disperato


help ç_ç

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parte da correggere:


After the Second World War Orwell write his most famous book: Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel. The book tells the story of Winston Smith, but have an other protagonist who is the Big Brother. In 1984 the world is divided in three big nations: Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia. The story is set in London, the capital of Oceania. Oceania is governed by a totalitarian party and the leader of this party is Big Brother.


parte da tradurre:


Big Brother come figura non appare mai direttamente all'interno del racconto, ma la sua figura viene vista attraverso manifesti e programmi televisivi. Orwell per creare la figura di Big Brother si ispira alla figura reale di Stalin, e anche il movimento è una critica ai sistemi “persuasivi” delle dittature totalitarie. Il partito sfrutta le tecnologie al fine di controllare le persone, le telecamere sono ovunque, anche la televisione ha la doppia funzione di mostrare continuamente la propaganda del partito (e per questo non può essere spenta ma solo leggermente oscurata) e di nascondere una sorta di telecamera per spiare dentro le case.


La storia inizia quando winston si innamora di julia, in oceania è vietato innamorarsi e gli unici rapporti consentiti sono al fine di procreare, diventando suo amante. Insieme i due decidono di collaborare con un organizzazione chiamata Confraternita, tuttavia quando Winston si confida con O’Brian (un funzionario che crede amico) si scopre che esso fa parte della polizia segreta. Winston verrà torturato all’inizio non cede e non confessa il nome dell’amante, ma i metodi sono ben studiati e alla fine griderà “Do it to julia!” rassegnandosi al controllo del big brother.


Il romanzo mostra come i regimi totalitari vogliano controllare tutto fino alla mente delle persone, la polizia segreta, le telecamere, la propaganda e anche la stessa “Confraternita” che doveva opporsi al regime era solo un altro metodo di controllo studiato dal Big Brother per scoprire eventuali persone che sfuggono all’indottrinamento del partito.

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After theWorld War Second Orwell wrote his most famous book: Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel. The book tells the story of Winston Smith, but have an other protagonist. the Big Brother. In 1984 the world is divided in three big nations: Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia. The story is set in London, the capital of Oceania. Oceania is governed by a totalitarian party leaded by the Big Brother.


The big brother, as a person(non sono sicuro), doesn't directly appears in the story, but his figure can be seen on manifestos and in tv programmes.

Orwell, in order to create his big brother, took inspiration from the real figure of Stalin, and the party itself is a criticism of the "persuading system" of the totalitarian dictatorships.

The party uses technologies in order to control people: spycams are everywhere, the television ìtself has the double function of continuosly showing propaganda(and for this reason it can't be shut off but only (darkned)) and hiding a sort of camera in order to spy inside people's houses.


questa è una parte.. non prenderlo come oro colato...

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the story begins when winston fells in love with julia (in oceania is forbidden to fall in love, the only relationships allowed are those with the aim of procreation) becoming her lover.

together they decide to collaborate with an organization called "confraternita", but when winston reveal his secret to o'brian(an officer who winston belives friend), whe discover that he is a member of the secret police.

winston will be tortured; initially he will resist protecting the identity of his lover, but in the end he will surrender scraming "do it to julia"

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ragazzi grazie ad una mia amica siamo riusciti a tradurre ora però vorrei magari una correzione, ho bisogno davvero che sia senza errori, deve essere oro colato come ha detto dagon :D :


After the Second World War Orwell write his most famous book: Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel. The book tells the story of Winston Smith, but have an other protagonist: Big Brother. In 1984 the world is divided in three big nations: Oceania, Eurasia, Eastasia. The story is set in London, the capital of Oceania. Oceania is governed by a totalitarian party and the leader of this party is Big Brother.


Big Brother never directly appear inside of the story and the reader can be seen its figure only by manifestos and television programs figure. Orwell, in order to create the figure of Big Brother, was inspired by the real figure of Stalin, and also the movement is one critical to the systems “persuasion” of the totalitarian dictatorships. The party takes advantage of the technologies with the aim to control the persons, the cameras is everywhere, also the television has the double function to continuously show the propaganda of the party (and for this reason, it cannot be extinguished but only darkened a little bit) and to hide one camera, in order to spy in every houses.


The history begins when Winston fall in love with Julia, but In Oceania is prohibited to love, and the only allowed relationships are those with the only aim to procreate. The two lovers, to freely love each other, decide to collaborate with the resistance, but when Winston tell to O' Brian (a civil employee who believes friend) all about his lover and the resistance, he discovers that O'Brian is a member of the secret police. Winston was tortured, and at the beginning he doesn't yield and he doesn't confess the name of his lover, but the methods are very skilful and in the end he scream “Do it to Julia!”, giving up to the control of the Big Brother.


The novel show to the reader, as the totalitarian regimes want to control all, even the mind of the persons. The secret police, the cameras, the propaganda, and even the same , that was supposed to fight against the regimen, was neither than an other method of control, studied from the Big Brother, in order to discover people that want to try escape the party indoctrination.

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After the Second World War Orwell write his most famous book: Nineteen Eighty-Four.


Usa il passato, wrote invece che write.


The book tells the story of Winston Smith, but have an other protagonist:


Ocio, book è terza persona, usa "has" invece che "have".


Oceania is governed by a totalitarian party and the leader of this party is Big Brother.


Userei "ruled"


and the reader can be seen its figure only


Il soggetto è il "reader" che può vedere l'immagine del Big Brother, usa "can see"


to freely love each other


Non mi sembra sbagliato, ma scrivere "in order to" è più bello...


The novel show to the reader, as the totalitarian regimes want to control all


Shows to the reader how the totalitarian...


try escape


Try to escape


Penso sia giusta la mia correzione comunque mi appello a chi magari ne sa un pò di più di inglese(Sayomi, John ecc)

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Big Brother never directly appears

cameras are everywhere, also the television has the double function to continuously show the propaganda of the party (and for this reason, it cannot be extinguished but only darkened a little bit) and to hide one camera, in order to spy in every houses.


The history begins when Winston falls in love with Julia,


and at the end he screams “Do it to Julia!”, giving up to the control of the Big Brother.


Quoto le correzioni di wolf e in più aggiungo quanto corretto sopra in grassetto.


E poi qui io scriverei "everything" al posto di "all"


The novel showS to the reader, HOW the totalitarian regimes wantS to control all, even the mind of the persons.
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Secondo me trascritto così assomiglierebbe di piu' all'inglese magari americaneggiante,forse non correttissimo.

Ma è mia opinione personale.






After the second WW Orwell wrote his most famous book Nineteen Eighty-Four, a dystopian novel.


The book seems telling the story of Winston Smith but the protagonist is another : The Big Brother.

In a world divided in three big nations Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, the plot is set in London the capital of Oceania a nation ruled by a totalitarian party and his leader : The Big Brother.

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Secondo me trascritto così assomiglierebbe di piu' all'inglese magari americaneggiante,forse non correttissimo.

Ma è mia opinione personale.






After the second WW Orwell wrote his most famous book Nineteen Eighty-Four, a dystopian novel.


The book seems telling the story of Winston Smith but the protagonist is another : The Big Brother.

In a world divided in three big nations Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia, the plot is set in London the capital of Oceania a nation ruled by a totalitarian party and his leader : The Big Brother.

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