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Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works


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Un interessante documento in formato pdf che si riesce a scaricare dalla rete :D


Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works

by Jay Miller

Acknowledgements 4

Preface 5

A Note on Sources 5

Chapter 1: Lockheed Before the Skunk Works 6

Chapter 2: Skunk Works Prelude 10

Chapter3: Birth of a Legend 14

Chapter 4: The In-Between Years 30

Chapter 5: The XF-104 Starfighter 62

Chapter 6: Aquatone and the U-2...The Skunk Works Reborn 70

Chapter7: The JetStar 102

Chapter 8: Hydrogen Fuel and Suntan 106

Chapter 9: Oxcart, and the YF-12 112

Chapter 10: Senior Bowl and Tagboard 134

Chapter 11: SR-71...The Senior Crown 142

Chapter 12: The Lightweight Fighters 152

Chapter 13: Have Blue 158

Chapter 14: F-117...The Nighthawk 164

Chapter 15: The F-22 174

Chapter 16: Today and Tomorrow 182

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  • 5 years later...

Da un video dedicato ai 70 anni delle "Officine Puzzola" ....




.... saltano fuori un paio di interessanti concetti ....








Fonte .... http://www.flightglobal.com/blogs/the-dewline/2013/07/is-this-what-the-lockheed-mart.html


Questo Tomorrow's Fighter sembra essere l'edizione aggiornata della cosiddetta Miss February .....






Edited by TT-1 Pinto
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  • 1 year later...

Skunk Works ..... non solo 'aerei neri' ..... (Fonte: il 'Daily Report' dell' AFA) .....


Another Edwards MUTT .....

Arie Church (4/20/2015)
The Air Force Research Lab's second Lockheed Martin-built X-56A Multi-Utility Technology Testbed lifted off earlier this month on its maiden flight from Edwards AFB, Calif.
The remotely piloted aircraft, named Buckeye, will support NASA's Performance Adaptive Aeroelastic Wing project, which is exploring flexible-wing control surfaces and attempting to model and combat destructive aerodynamic forces, according to an April 14 release from NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center .....
An X-56 dubbed Fido previously explored means of counteracting aerodynamic flutter and gust loading.
NASA will use the second airframe to expand the X-56's flight envelope and improve performance prediction models, states the release.
Buckeye on April 9 conducted its inaugural flight, the first of eight planned "stiff-wing" flights to evaluate its performance.
It reached 4,000 feet in altitude and 70 knots airspeed, states the release.
The RPA is designed with interchangeable wings; later flights will test flexible designs.
AFRL is teamed with NASA Armstrong for flight testing, and NASA centers in Ohio and Virginia for modeling and analysis.
Edited by TT-1 Pinto
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