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Help needed

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Several years ago I started an inquiry and collecting everything, concerning aeroplanes/projects of Breda.

I received the information that there is a book from 1971, Aeroplani d'Italia, monografie di aeroplani e construttori italiani.

Sometime ago I ask on the froum if some one could help me, without succes.

A few days ago I found that the Biblioteca Braidense in Milano had this book.

On my request if it is possible to scan the Breda pages I received a positive answer, but after that I received an email that it was not possible because several pages were to big for the scanner.

Now is my question, who lives in Milano and will help me to scan the Breda pages? If there are any costs please let me now.

I hope some will help me to find details about Breda and put them together is just like a jig saw puzzle.




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