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Risposte pubblicato da unluckyluke

  1. non cerco di convincere nessuno, d'altronde nemmeno io so esattamemte cosa pensare.

    Che l'articolo riporti disegni alquanto stupidi sono d'accordo...

    Voglio solo dire che non escluderei a priori (come mi sembra facciate voi) un'eventuale contatto con un altro sub, di che natura poi potrebbe esser stato questo EVENTUALE contatto non saprei.


    Dominus, non sto facendo cospirazionismo da 2 soldi, solo che non sappiamo davvero cosa sia successo, a meno che non ci si basi sulla versione ufficiale...è stato un vecchio siluro difettoso(e cosa ci faceva un vecchio siluro su uno dei sommergibili di punta della Flotta del Nord?)? E' stato un incidente avvenuto nel corso di chissà quale esercitazione con il Pietro il Grande? E' stato un incidente con un'altro sub?


    Detto questo la finisco qua :bye:

  2. so bene che un Oscar se sbatte su un Los Angeles lo spezza in due, ma bisognerebbe anche vedere la dinamica dell'eventuale contatto.

    Cmq gli ammiragli russi fin da subito dissero che era coinvolto un'altro sottomarino di diversa nazionalità, per poi essere smentiti da Putin e dalla commissione d'inchiesta.

    Poi quegli stessi ammiragli sono stati "spostati" ad altri incarichi...


    Soprattutto questi pezzi sono interessanti:

    "an announcement from the Pentagon that one of the two submarines which had been spying on the Kursk was late in establishing radio contact. A few days later, the Pentagon reported that the submarine had finally checked in, and it was at this time that the United States government took the official position that the Kursk had sunk because of a torpedo explosion. The Russians, however, while agreeing that there was one or more torpedo explosions on Kursk, insisted that the explosions were the result of a collision involving a foreign submarine"


    ".The American nuclear submarine SSN 691 Memphis, Los-Angeles class, is currently located at the Norwegian port in Bergen. A representative of the Norwegian embassy in Moscow told the Russian RIA "Novosti" news agency that the 'Memphis' entered the Norwegian port "for repairs." Initially the Norwegian embassy refused to say when the American submarine requested entry to and entered the Norwegian base. Shortly after publishing this information, RIA "Novosti" was contacted by another representative of the Norwegian embassy, Ule Hopestad, who said that his colleague, who gave the initial interview to the news agency, provided "incorrect information" due to his "problems with the Russian language. According to Ule Hopestad, the 'Memphis' entered the Norwegian port in Bergen on August 18 not for repairs but to replenish its supplies of food and to allow its crew to rest. Norwegian officials say that 'Memphis' was scheduled to arrive to Bergen almost two months in advance.


    According to the Russian Defense Minister, Igor Sergeyev, Russian experts are studying satellite photos of the area where "Kursk" sank. 'Memphis' was detected by satellites when it surfaced and was traveling at a very low speed away from the general area of the "Kursk" accident toward Norway. Later the American submarine accelerated to around 8-9 knots (16-17 km/h) and proceeded along the Norwegian coast toward Bergen (roughly 1,900 km from the site of the "Kursk" accident along the Norwegian coastline). The submarine was generally identified as a Los-Angeles class and later was determined to be the SSN 691 'Memphis'. The unidentified foreign submarine was initially detected by the Russian nuclear cruiser "Peter the Great" after it intercepted a NATO radio distress signal originated by the submarine, requesting emergency entry to one of Norwegian naval bases.


    Representatives of the Norwegian embassy in Moscow told RIA "Novosti" that the American submarine was seen by Norwegian journalists. However, attempts on the part of the Russian news agency to locate these journalists have failed.....


    This snapshot was made by the Russian intelligence satellite on August 19, 2000 from the altitude of 40 thousand meters. This is the Norwegian naval base Haakonsvern, arranged on the coast of a Grimstad-fiord in a province Hordalan, in nine kilometers to the southwest from Bergen. Geographical coordinates of base are 60-20-20 N, 5-13-53 E, ? = +20?. Naval base Haakonsvern is used by the small and medium ships - up to frigate class, but not for for submarines.


    On the August, 19 the nuclear submarine of the Los Angeles class has come into Haakonsvern and moored in the piers close to the frigate of Oslo class. A submarine moored in the piers, instead of dock, because the docks in Haakonsvern, we have to repeat, are not assigned for submarines, especially nuclear. We presume that the name of this boat is Memphis or Toledo. Both of them are of Los Angeles class submarines. The submarines of this class are of 109,7 meters length, 10,1 meters high and 9,9 meters width. Displacement is of 6000 tons.


    The boat coming for the repair had considerable damages in the bow, and that was captured by the means of optical-electronic reconnaissance. The thick rubber-ceramic skin of the submarine was torn off, as a peel from a banana. Obviously the steel inner hall was also damaged.


    The boat has been repaired for 8 days. On the August, 27 in second half of day she left the base and has departed to the coast of Britain. The boat doubled the British islands in the east, entered Southampton on the southern coast of England and became on repair in closed dock"


    Mah, non si saprà mai la verità

  3. Penso anche io che sia difficile, ma non mi sento di escludere l'ipotesi.

    Poi scusate, avete letto l'articolo del mio link?

    Non sono un complottista nè uno che cerca sempre di trovare spiegazioni strane per cose apparentemente semplici, ma non escludo nessuna ipotesi, e quella dell'"incidente" con uno o due sottomarini americani coinvolti non mi sembra poi così impossibile, anche secondo l'articolo di cui vi ho passato il link.

  4. Buonasera a tutti, mi sono iscritto da poco e sto letteralmente spulciando tutto il forum e andando a ficcare il naso in tutte le discussioni, è un piacere vedere gente competente scambiarsi opinioni!


    Cmq a riguardo del K-141, una tragedia che mi ha sempre incuriosito, posso solo dire che non escluderei a priori il fatto che possa esserci un coinvolgimento americano.


    Vortex dice che "è semplicemente assurdo pensare che un sottomarino americano spari ad uno russo senza che scoppi una guerra", io non la penso così, al giorno d'oggi una guerra tra USA e Russia non conviene a nessuno ( specialmente alla Russia :rotfl: ), e volevo ricordarvi come dopo la vicenda del Kursk gli Stati Uniti abbiano cancellato un debito da 10 miliardi di dollari alla Russia; questa cosa è stata vista da molti come un "risarcimento".


    Cmq vi posto questo link, che ritengo interessante

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